The Student Room Group
Reply 1
wel id have thought that u would gain the weight of the food you ate pretty quickly, id say its almost instantanious:smile:
Reply 2
I would think that it depends on the food you are eating.
The mass doesn't gradually appear in your body. It's instant. Duh!

It's like... ohh if I put this brick in this bag.. how long does it take for it to weigh more...
Reply 4
Yeah, I was picking up on the losing weight part.
Reply 5
You can't mean instantaneously unless you are very thick. Are you asking how much of a meal will stay in you and how much you crap out?

I say weigh your poo.
Reply 6
What she obviously means is say if you started eating a diet high in fat how long till you put on some weight? Like say if you eat 10 donuts in one day thats a lot of fat/calories but you dont put on the weight that day
Yes you do. The weight of the donught doesn't just suddenly appear in a few days time
If you stand on some very accurate scales, weigh yourself, then eat some food of a known weight I assure you that you will instantly increase in weight by that ammount.
Reply 9
But were speaking about different things here. Yes if you eat a 10 gram donut you will weigh ten grams more. If you eat 10 grams of apple you will weigh 10 grams more. I do not dispute this.

What i think the question is asking is if you consumer lots of calories when will they actually turn into fat?
Reply 10
It takes your body a couple of days to fully process what you eat. Thus if you completely pig out one day, you can limit, or even prevent the damage by eating very conservatively and wisely the following day or two.

So basically, it will take a couple of days at least before you notice yourself gaining weight or losing it.
Ohhhhhhhhh I Seeeeeeee
Reply 12
takes about this long |<-------------------------->|
Jen ^_^ <3 says:
several inches