The Student Room Group


Ok, basically I'm in uni now and i love it, love my friends love the freedom, etc...but one slightly corrupted....i snogged a random guy the other day which is not like me....and now im gonna be more corrupted because my m8's bro who i was dealing with before i came to uni (we snogged a couple of times and got a bit touchy but then i told him to back off) is coming to stay over tomorrow....and im at a rowdy stage! help, i don't wanna end up shagging him but how do i resist? i dont even like him but i feel so horny!
just shag his brains out, u know u wanna
Reply 2
good advice ^
Reply 3
Well if you're that horny I say use and abuse.
Reply 4
Shag him
Reply 5
:ditto: slag :P
I can safely say that this is the least helpful anyone's ever been in a thread like this.

It might be crude, but try masturbating before he comes round. It'll calm you down a bit. Or cancel, but that's kinda rude. If I may pretend to know anything about psychology - it sounds possibly like an expression of your freedom, the fact that although you don't really want to do something, you're doing it anyway and enjoying the fact that you can do it, not enjoying the act itself.