Yeh, flirting doesnt always work... take for example a guy at school. We got on really well though before sixth form he had always been really quiet & shy so people didn't really notice him, (i know that sounds harsh, but i have spoken to him about it & he doesnt mind). Anyway, from the way we got on & the way he seemed quite 'touchy feelie' with me, (sp?) & always checked i was alright etc, people often commented on how they thought we fancied each other. & tbh, i did really like him, at one point, i wondered if i had fallen for him. Unfortunately i was too much of a coward to say anything to him & a convo we once had showed that also in the situation of liking anyone he probably would not be able to say as he was the same! However generally his attitude towards me did suggest that he did like me & a few of my closest mates often said so.
About a week before i went off to uni, one of my best mates said she fancied him, which i had guessed because of the way her attitude suddenly became a lot more flirty with him. (The thing was, although she didn't know my feelings towards him, i had been planning on telling her the same night she changed her 'tone' regarding him & became really complimentary etc). However, in the convo we had that night she told me that she wouldn't do anything because i was her best mate & she wouldn't do anything like that over a guy. A few days before i left, i received a text message from the girl telling me that her & the guy, we both liked, were going out. Needless to say, i was in shock & not very happy!! It was the worst time possible.. & i felt she betrayed me in a way because of the convo we had had. She said one thing & did another.. i was not happy at all! Mainly because her attitude about obsessing over a boyfriend in the months running up to uni had become rather silly, considering she was starting somewhere new very soon. Since going to uni, from what i've heard from another of my mates, she seems to be looking for someone better, in a way, from the way shes acting. I'm not impressed & am afraid she may end up hurting the guy, who is such a good mate!
I am still not completely ok with her & am not looking forward to seeing them together in the hols. I know i should stop being a sourpuss & u probably think im jealous but it was just that she assured me nothing would happen, yet went totally against that! Our friendship will never be the same i dont think! Another of my best mates reckons she backstabbed me & that she can't be trusted as much as we all thought.
(i apologise for the fact that this is anon, but i introduced the girl im referring to to TSR so im really paranoid that she may now be a member)!
Sorry for essay, i had a little rant, lol