The Student Room Group

IELTS listening in the UK

Hello everyone,
I am posting this thread to ask some IELTS test experience in UK TEST VENUES, cause I have taken some test in somewhere in the asia and considering to take one in the UK
In listening section, will a headphone be provided or will it be a loudspeaker?
If it's a loud speaker can you hear clearly? For example, can you differentiate between plural and singular form of nouns?

Reply 1
Did not take my IELTS in the UK, but I am pretty sure that headphones are a requirement for all test centres around the world.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Well, I hope so, otherwise it would be very inconvenient
Just contact languages centre. They also give training Life in the UK as well as b1 test for UK.
Reply 5
Original post by *Stefan*
Did not take my IELTS in the UK, but I am pretty sure that headphones are a requirement for all test centres around the world.

Posted from TSR Mobile

It is a loudspeaker in France.
Reply 6
It is a loudspeaker in France.

Wow... I guess loudspeakers are the norm after all. May I ask if you took IELTS with the British Council?
It's a bit unfair in my opinion for those with loudspeakers and everyone who took the exam here (in Greece) was provided headphones (we were literally 200 people in the room, so I though headphones were part of a normal procedure).

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 7
Original post by *Stefan*
Wow... I guess loudspeakers are the norm after all. May I ask if you took IELTS with the British Council?
It's a bit unfair in my opinion for those with loudspeakers and everyone who took the exam here (in Greece) was provided headphones (we were literally 200 people in the room, so I though headphones were part of a normal procedure).

Posted from TSR Mobile

No, we were in a business school, with about 20 people in the room.
Original post by *Stefan*
Wow... I guess loudspeakers are the norm after all. May I ask if you took IELTS with the British Council?
It's a bit unfair in my opinion for those with loudspeakers and everyone who took the exam here (in Greece) was provided headphones (we were literally 200 people in the room, so I though headphones were part of a normal procedure).

Posted from TSR Mobile

I did mine with headphones too, there were more than 150 people.
Didn't know they do them with loudspeakers..
Reply 9
Original post by binarythoughts
I did mine with headphones too, there were more than 150 people.
Didn't know they do them with loudspeakers..

Probably avenues with very large numbers of people use headphones. If there are centres with 20 people like above, it shouldn't make any difference either way.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by _Fergo
Wow... I guess loudspeakers are the norm after all. May I ask if you took IELTS with the British Council?
It's a bit unfair in my opinion for those with loudspeakers and everyone who took the exam here (in Greece) was provided headphones (we were literally 200 people in the room, so I though headphones were part of a normal procedure).

Posted from TSR Mobile

It's a loud speaker in uk (newcastle) to be precise. Very terrible experience, considering the fact that it's close to the road and you could hear external noises from cars and other test takers

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