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He's busy he's bound to forget maybe suggest something for your first year anniversary.
Yes. The only acceptable anniversary to be celebrated is 1 year (and even that is pushing it).

Wedding anniversarys are also acceptable as it is one of the few occasions in the year that married couples have sex.
Reply 3
It's more pathetic that you celebrate an "anniversary" each month than it is that you're upset at him forgetting your 6 month "anniversary."
Reply 5
He's seeing someone else and he can only remember one anniversary at a time. I bet you he's been seeing her for two months.
Reply 6
I can't imagine how expensive it would be to celebrate an "anniversary" every month.

God, the more I think about it, the more I think that people who do this need to kill themselves.
Reply 7
Erm, yes! An anniversary is a celebration after a year, not 6 months, let alone every month! God, your poor boyfriend! Dont give him hassle for been sensible and actually knowing when to celebrate something, or in this case, when not!!
Reply 8
lol i'd laugh if a girl expected me to have anniversary celebration every month.
Reply 9
lol i'd laugh if a girl expected me to have anniversary celebration every month.

At her, not with her.
Can't help but feel the OP started this thread just for the attention.
Reply 11
My bf forgot about our 6 month anniversary. He forget 5 months as well, but that didn't bother me so much coz it wasn't as special. He made a HUGE deal of it for the first 4 though. He has had a lot on his mind recently with his a levels and stuff, but frankly I've had more to worry about and I still remembered. Am I being pethetic letting this bother me?

You would deem fit to celebrate each and every consecutive month that your relationship prevails (or should I say, persists) miraculously intact where others (whom we shall refer to here, albeit for argument's sake, as 'normal') do so only in terms of years: surely, any 'pathos' is self-evident?
Reply 12
You would deem fit to celebrate each and every consecutive month that your relationship prevails (or should I say, persists) miraculously intact where others (whom we shall refer to here, albeit for argument's sake, as 'normal') do so only in terms of years: surely, any 'pathos' is self-evident?

To summarise, an anniversary is a celebration of a number of years, not months :biggrin:
My bf forgot about our 6 month anniversary. He forget 5 months as well, but that didn't bother me so much coz it wasn't as special. He made a HUGE deal of it for the first 4 though. He has had a lot on his mind recently with his a levels and stuff, but frankly I've had more to worry about and I still remembered. Am I being pethetic letting this bother me?

Yeah it's nice when they remember, but like you can't expect them to remember all the time especially when they have things on their mind. Yeah people are loved up within the first few months of going out together and fair enough everyones entitled to it but don't get upset over it. Oh yes, personally when you say you've had more to worry about, do you honestly know how things are affecting him? He could be under stress etc....think about that next time you go off on one about anniversaries :rolleyes:
Spiral Architect

Wedding anniversarys are also acceptable as it is one of the few occasions in the year that married couples have sex.

Reply 15
I'm not asking for a celebration. I'm asking for a text, or a quick "woo, 6 months" on MSN.

He actually initiated celebrating the first 4, I wouldn't have cared otherwise.
I'm not asking for a celebration. I'm asking for a text, or a quick "woo, 6 months" on MSN.

He actually initiated celebrating the first 4, I wouldn't have cared otherwise.

Then why care now if he initiated it? :confused: he was likely all loved up
Count your blessings that he's stopped being retarded. It's a gift horse. Look anywhere but its mouth.

awwww now, that's a little harsh
People start having real problems, please. How I, as a student, would be able to help you is another thing. But really, stop with all this I've-got-a-problem-with-my-bf's-willingness-to-love-me-forever nonesense.
Reply 19
People start having real problems, please. How I, as a student, would be able to help you is another thing. But really, stop with all this I've-got-a-problem-with-my-bf's-willingness-to-love-me-forever nonesense.

Harsh, but I totally agree! This whole thread is pathetic!