The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Check what cleaning type things you have in the house; you must have an effective carpet cleaner or Oxy or Vanish or something.
Reply 2
We have something called, Stain Devils, it says it removes Red Wine, but overleaf it says, DO N0T USE ON CARPETS.

So we're screwed, we have dabbed hot water though, darn port...
at home we use this 'Vanish' stuff.. that usually works....

got any of that??
Reply 4
Pour white wine over it
Reply 5
Pour white wine over it

It doesn't work.
Reply 6
Don't use hot water, that just sets the stain. Use cold, and a lot of scrubbing. Try putting on bicarb of soda (it's a cooking thing) if you have any
Reply 7
Don't use hot water - it's generally safest to use cold water on stains as hot water can 'set' the stain and make it almost impossible to get out. Some people suggest putting salt on red wine / port stains as that can get it out, but try it on an inconspicuous bit of carpet first as it could damage it. Failing that I've used 1001 stain remover on a blackcurrant stain on carpet and it worked a treat - it was an old stain too and it still came out.
Reply 8
no any other way
you can think of
Reply 9
Mad Vlad
It doesn't work.

I know
Given Up Looks K
Reply 11
Now get some air freshner and get rid of any unusual smells.