The Student Room Group


Um, dont worry this thread shouldnt be too gory

Basically my problem is that in some leaflets it says you need to change every 4-8 hours to reduce the risk of toxic shock syndrome but in other leaflets they say 4-6 hours. I dont know what to believe. Is it dangerous to leave a tampon in for more than 6 but less than 8 hours?

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Reply 1
I've left them in for 8 hours before, no problem. Perhaps go with the time length that the leaflet of that particular brand says... For example; Tampax says 8 hours, so I might leave it in for 8 hours. Lilets says 6 hours, so when I use lilets I will only leave it in for 6.
I have sometimes accidentally left a tampon in for over 8 hours, and I've been fine. I'm pretty sure that TSS occurs when you take out a tampon that isn't saturated yet, or is pretty dry (sorry about TMI here), and so when you pull it out, it takes off a layer of skin from the inside of your vagina as well. Then when you put the next tampon in, you could have an area where the bleach from the tampon can get in and cause TSS. I'm pretty sure that's what happens. Of course, if you leave it in too long, it can get pretty yucky and can also cause TSS. I guess it would depend on how heavy you are - I get very light periods and so I never really seem to have any problems, although of course I always try to remember to change them every 5 hours.
Reply 3
i know tampax says you should change them every 4 to 8 hours.
Reply 4
*feels sick* A layer of skin? Bleach? TSS? I'm so glad it's not dinner time.
Reply 5
*feels sick* A layer of skin? Bleach? TSS? I'm so glad it's not dinner time.

i feel kinda ill too now.
i shall be more careful when i use them
Reply 6
Dont leave it in for any longer than the leaflet says (ie for each brand), and obviously change them when you need to before then if you have a heavy flow.

Also if you are using them overnight you should insert the tampon right before you go to bed and remove it first thing in the morning when you wake up.
I sleep in them occasionally which is about 8-10 hours.
It only happens when a certain bacteria forms from the tampon being in there for too long... that's why you're not meant to leave them in for ages?
I never sleep in them and don't use them that often. I normally use them on holiday, when I'm wearing a short skirt or if I'm going swimming. Avoid wearing them over 4-6 hours and definately don't fall to sleep with one in. The longest I've worn one for was just over 4 hours I think.
Reply 9
I never sleep in them and don't use them that often. I normally use them on holiday, when I'm wearing a short skirt or if I'm going swimming. Avoid wearing them over 4-6 hours and definately don't fall to sleep with one in. The longest I've worn one for was just over 4 hours I think.

4 hours that aint long!
I once left it in for about 9 hours, but on average I leave them in for about 6 hours. lovely.
Reply 10
oops i've once left one in all day... :redface:

I don't think they do take a layer of skin off if they're unsaturated, don't worry, there are plenty of times when they haven't been "full" when i've removed them and I've been fine. It's more the fibres being left behind that worries me...
Reply 11
I have a friend who had toxic shock syndrome from using a tampon. She didn't even leave it in longer than the recommended amount, she just happened to be having a heavier period than normal. Don't push your luck people! It was very scary. We'd been drinking the night before so she thought she wasn't feeling too good because of a hangover, but when she didn't get any better and she finally went to the hospital she was told she could have died. :eek:
So it does happen, it's not just a scare warning.
Reply 12
i change ever 2 hours, but thats just me im wierd
Reply 13
Well...i've taken it out without it being fully saturated...nothing's ever happend to I don't know i'm always paranoid about it, but it's a very very rare thing, so i wouldn't be too worried about it. Just take it out after max of 8 hours. Even though i've kept it in much longer sometimes...maybe i'm just evading death.
I've left them in overnight before and been fine, although I make sure I use towels at night now just in case.
Although I have really light flow and even with light tampons it usually hurts to try and take it out after 4 hours!
Reply 15
Little Girl Red
I have sometimes accidentally left a tampon in for over 8 hours, and I've been fine. I'm pretty sure that TSS occurs when you take out a tampon that isn't saturated yet, or is pretty dry (sorry about TMI here), and so when you pull it out, it takes off a layer of skin from the inside of your vagina as well. Then when you put the next tampon in, you could have an area where the bleach from the tampon can get in and cause TSS. I'm pretty sure that's what happens. Of course, if you leave it in too long, it can get pretty yucky and can also cause TSS. I guess it would depend on how heavy you are - I get very light periods and so I never really seem to have any problems, although of course I always try to remember to change them every 5 hours.
TSS isn't caused by bleach lol. It's caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. It can happen to you whether you're a guy or a girl, using tampons or not. It's extremely rare (about 40 cases per year in the UK) and it's not always associated with tampon use. The problem with leaving a tampon in for too long is that it becomes an ideal breeding site for Staphylococcus. Remember to change your tampons frequently, and use the lowest absorbency for your needs.
staphylococcus...that stuff causes everything!!
Reply 17
I've left them in overnight before and been fine, although I make sure I use towels at night now just in case.
Although I have really light flow and even with light tampons it usually hurts to try and take it out after 4 hours!

prob best to just wear a towel then

oops i've once left one in all day... :redface:

I don't think they do take a layer of skin off if they're unsaturated, don't worry, there are plenty of times when they haven't been "full" when i've removed them and I've been fine. It's more the fibres being left behind that worries me...

:eek: how did you manage to leave it in a whole day

i change ever 2 hours, but thats just me im wierd

isnt that abit too soon?
I feel really dirty wearing towels, like I'm wearing a nappy or something, which is why I only ever wear them at night
Sanitary towels are ya best bet mate , if your heavy use the thicker wing ones, if your not use the thin (pantyliner) styles ones..easy, safe, and gets the job done without having to worry of TSS...:smile: