righty... there's this girl I don't know very well, but last night she told me she'd had a big drug problem last year (at some other uni, which she'd dropped out of). We went out clubbing later that night (as part of a group of about 6) and she told me she had an alcohol problem. she said she'd just replaced the drug problem with a drink problem. we were in a club and we were both quite pissed so we didn't really have a proper convo.
my question is, how do I follow that up? should i even follow it up? I really don't know her that well but it kinda seemed like a cry for help. I doubt i could really help her, but i could be someone to talk to i guess.
and yes, she was legless at the end of the night ('bout 4am). me and my mates had to stop her getting run over several times.