The Student Room Group


righty... there's this girl I don't know very well, but last night she told me she'd had a big drug problem last year (at some other uni, which she'd dropped out of). We went out clubbing later that night (as part of a group of about 6) and she told me she had an alcohol problem. she said she'd just replaced the drug problem with a drink problem. we were in a club and we were both quite pissed so we didn't really have a proper convo.

my question is, how do I follow that up? should i even follow it up? I really don't know her that well but it kinda seemed like a cry for help. I doubt i could really help her, but i could be someone to talk to i guess.

and yes, she was legless at the end of the night ('bout 4am). me and my mates had to stop her getting run over several times.
Reply 1
Don't make a big deal out of it, she may have been exaggerating or missing out some information. Just let her know that you are there if she needs a chat or anything. And keep an eye on her when she goes out. Maybe offer to go to the bar for her and if she asks for (for example) a JD and coke, just get the coke and tell her that it is JD and coke. Honest. There isn't much more you can do. You don't want to jump in with guns ablazing if there is something very important that you don't know.
Reply 2
Bearing in mind that this isn't someone i really know, how do I tell her I'm there for her?

as for going to the bar on her behalf, I can't see that working. she goes herself and gets loads of shots...
Reply 3
I say don't discuss it again until she brings it up.
Dealing with drink and drug problems are something best left to professionals - I doubt if you would be able to do much more than scrape her off the pavement.

Be a good friend when she's sober but don't join her for an evening out - you'll spend the whole time looking after her - and she'll still get legless and you'll feel responsible - and you're not.
Reply 5
cheers. thanks guys and girls.
Don't make a big deal out of it, she may have been exaggerating or missing out some information. Just let her know that you are there if she needs a chat or anything. And keep an eye on her when she goes out. Maybe offer to go to the bar for her and if she asks for (for example) a JD and coke, just get the coke and tell her that it is JD and coke. Honest. There isn't much more you can do. You don't want to jump in with guns ablazing if there is something very important that you don't know.

I'm not too sure if that would work, I consider myself to have a bit of a drink problem and I could definitely tell the difference between a JD and coke and a normal glass of coke although I do drink JD quite regularly but even so, I don't think it is that hard to differentiate