The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Our school council thing wasnt about how good you talk was it was how many votes you got which was entirely done on how many friends you had.
Reply 2
Hmm, this sounds hard, as it could end up with the most popular people being voted rather than the best for the job.

What about what you'd bring/what ideas you have to improve the school?

Good luck!
Reply 3
PLAN A: Hmm, we did this at our school; small speeches and the stuff but it didn't work. They will usually disintegrate into popularity contests. You could spend the time greeting new people and being nicer to them, play it that way :wink:

PLAN B: Failing that, you could spread rumours about the other contestants are infact the spawn of Satan. :eek2:

PLAN C: Good luck with the speech by the way, I would give you my view; don't boast about achievements, it would irk me because how is a certificate in History prove you are able to represent the form/year in the School Council. Rather focus on your qualities and show they are useful. Say that you are willing to work hard and strive for the best for them. It would make you sound like you running for Prime Minister of the country instead, but what the heck, it's all fun!

PLAN D: If all of the above fails, resort to PLAN B again.

IF everything fails, nuke the school. :cool:
Reply 4
Thanks guys. Yeah, I know these kind of things always disintegrate into a popularity contest... but there are three representatives per year and only four people wanted to do it lol :p: so it won't be too bad I hope...

PLAN A: Hmm, we did this at our school; small speeches and the stuff but it didn't work. They will usually disintegrate into popularity contests. You could spend the time greeting new people and being nicer to them, play it that way :wink:

PLAN B: Failing that, you could spread rumours about the other contestants are infact the spawn of Satan. :eek2:

PLAN C: Good luck with the speech by the way, I would give you my view; don't boast about achievements, it would irk me because how is a certificate in History prove you are able to represent the form/year in the School Council. Rather focus on your qualities and show they are useful. Say that you are willing to work hard and strive for the best for them. It would make you sound like you running for Prime Minister of the country instead, but what the heck, it's all fun!

PLAN D: If all of the above fails, resort to PLAN B again.

IF everything fails, nuke the school. :cool:

Umm.... thanks Cat :p: I'll keep it all in mind :wink:
Reply 5
When is your speech?
Reply 6
It was today :p: And went surprisingly quite well. Results of the voting will be after half term... fingers crossed! :smile: Thanks for the help.
Reply 7
Ooooh, glad it went ok :smile:
Reply 8
we just had to write a statement which went up on the wall and people ''read them''(uhm:wink:) and then voted. There were like 10 places for our year and about 20ish ppl went for it. the top 2 ppl went into the school council- others in the year council. it was actually kinda funny caus people could actualy vote for 10 people at a time!!! Thats probably the reason i managed to get 3rd highest.

but anyway.....good luck with your election!!! Just wondering u have a year council or do the people go directly to the school council?
Reply 9
[It was today /QUOTE]

Hope you get in. Good luck
Reply 10
Did you get elected?
Reply 11
Original post by Excalibur
Hi :smile: I'm hoping to be on the council at school, but for that we have to give a speech in front of the year to get people to vote for me... what kind of things could I include for this? I haven't done this before, so I can't go on about previous achievements etc like most regular people do... thanks :wink:

Did you get elected?