They charge you for all the money they are going to loose that night. Say you are sick and they have to go clean it up they may loose all their nights earnings. I myself have litterally pulled my friend out of the taxi by his arms to stop him being ill in the cab!!! Poor sod i almost ripped his arms off
I've been sick in a taxi (apparently) and he told my friend that it'd cost £100, but he said I don't have that much, so the taxi driver bargained down to £5!
I swear I wasn't sick though, I don't think I was anyway.
The poor taxi driver will be out of service, losing a lot more then £50, cleaning some one else mess and often throughing the seat covers, costing him seat covers, wallet charges, and loss of earning.
And why would that be a lot? Driver will have to clean the sick, time wasted, money lost and on top of that, even for 100 quid no one has a specific pleasure cleaning sick. I would rather not have to charge you 70 quid my soiling penalty but have a calm stomach for the rest of the night.Most of the taxis have cloth interior. That means if someone's sick, the car will be off the road until that cloth has been proper cleaned and disinfected in order to be safe for other passengers. Kids for instance. Got it?
People think that between £60 to£80 plus your fare is a lot of money to pay for a soiling fine. But in fact it is not. As your fare is the paid for getting you from A to B but the fine it takes at least £30 just for a proper clean. That you need for health and safety. For the driver and passengers. So that leaves £30 for losing up to 2hrs off the rank that you could be making a lot more from.! But people think this is unfare to the drunken fools that drink to much and think they can be sick in our cars and not pay a fine that is set out by the local licening? Really
It costs the driver up to 4. Days pay , first day of soiling next day to clean 1 day to dry , if it happens on a Saturday you can’t clean until Monday, Tuesday to dry ,driver cannot work until Wednesday . Stay out, drink water sober up , call cab