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Yo-yo weight


Over a year ago I was overweight at 15 years old, and I weighed around 10 stone. During September 2005 I started running and eating better and around March-April this year I came down to 7 stone, at 16 years old (and yes I know I'm underweight). I was happily eating very basic foods, such as cereal, sandwiches, and little snacks like fruit, crackers, rice cakes etc during the day. Up until now I've ate like this, but recently I've started eating what most people would call normal food, things like pizza, noodles, chocolate etc etc and basically added them to my diet. However, as I would expect, after I eat something like pizza I'll check the weighing scales because I feel very full and see I've gained about 4 lbs right after eating. So then after light exercise before bed, I'll wake up the next morning and weigh myself, and see I've lost 2 lbs from last night's meal, but overall put on 2 lbs just from one slightly heavier meal that I'm used to. I usually cut out anything abnormal from my regular diet to lose the weight in 2 days. But I'm getting sick of this, and wish I could just eat what I want without gaining weight so fast, and going up and down regularly. The most exercise I do nowadays is walking, press ups, running on the spot for a few minutes, and breakdancing for as long as I feel (usually not that long, say 20 minutes).

Any ideas on a routine I could adopt to stop my weight going up and down so quickly all the time?

Also, while on the subject, since losing the 3 stone I've got loose skin on my stomach which I'm desperate to tone up to a flat hard stomach. Any tips on that?
Reply 1
The skin is very unlikely to go away unfortunately, without surgery obviously, but as for the weight issue...stop weighing yourself, seriously, if you ingest food then obviously you wil weigh more because you have more stuff in your body. What I do instead is measure my waist which is my indicator, and this I will probably do at most once a day, at a set time in the day, ie, I don't do it when my stomach is really empty one day and really full the next, coz obv thats going to give a warped result. You can still weigh yourself if thats what you like to judge on, but don't do it so often, stick to one time of the day and do not go over this!! But generally the way to stop going up and down is to mediated what you eat, ie. eat pizza but don't eat pizza+chocolate+ice cream in one day, spread them out and have little bits of indulgence spread out, rather than all at once and then cut it out altogether.
Reply 2
Oh when I said loose skin I mean not that loose. I can feel my abdominals but there's a tiny bit of flab left which I hope to tone up and at the moment I'm thinking of doing some sit ups a night. Not really sure what to do. Thanks for your advice.
Reply 3
hope you don't take this the wrong way but it sounds like you're beginning to get an eating disorder...
try and sort it out soon before it gets worse
Reply 4
You need to look seriously at what you're eating. From the sound of it, you're not getting what I'd call a balanced meal, which should contain proteins, carbs and veg.

How tall are you? At 16 you'll still be growing (I didn't stop growing until I was over 20) and so you need to make sure that you're eating the correct things.

Don't feel guilty over the occaisonal blip with chocolate or pizza, but make sure you're eating balanced meals - check out to see what I mean. Yes, Slimming World is designed to help people lose weight, but to do it by changing how they eat & what they eat, to make sure they eat sensible, balanced meals that give them all the nutrients needed in a day, rather than by calorie counting and cutting everything out and starving.

You should never feel hungry, and really, you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week anyway, and when you do that, always at the same time of day - eg first thing in the morning. It stands to reason that you're heavier at night, after spending the day needing to put food in to fuel your body.

Sit-ups and certain weights will help to tone your stomach up, if you're a member of a gym, go and ask for advice. If not, go to your local leisure centre and join their gym, and you'll be able to get advice about what would be best for the areas you wish to concentrate on.

Be very careful about how you view your food. It is good for you and you do need it, so please don't get into thinking that everything is bad for you.
Reply 5
DO NOT weigh yourself during the day and weigh yourself once a week max!
if your controlling your weight, pick a morning, I personally weight every Sunday morning, after visiting the little girls room and wearing the same stuff to be as accurate as possible.
Now with you gaining weight, Im afraid my dear its sounds like, like me, youll have to be aware of your intake and expenditure for the forseeable future to maintain the weight you want.
You are indeed only young and not eating enough will hinder your bodys attempt to grow and can damage you metabolism and affect the rate in which it burns calories.
Sure, we'd all love to eat what we want and however much we want without it affecting out weight, but that sad matter of fact is that isnt the case.
The chocolate and crisps are the avarage, but shouldnt be normal.
Todays society eats these things with out realising the little or bad nutrition that is within them.
Remember treats are good, but in moderation.
You may have a simular problem as I, which is finding a balance between losing weight and maintaining that.
MOST people who lose weight, tend to put it back on as well as gaining weight! simply because these people see 'dieting' as the answer and once they have lost the desired weight, they will go back to the way they originally ate which led them to GAIN weight, not stay the same.
Write down the foods in which you lost weight on.
and add a few things to that, say that you had a plain sandwich for lunch, add salad to it, on the side something good for you like an apple and say if your a crisps person add that one treat to that meal.
Id recommend that you make your diet healthier and have treats in moderation.
On the exercise side, Im not so informed on, what I do know is that exercise, for weight loss and to benefit you respiratory and cardiovascular system would be cardio, which involves you warming up, stretching and working out(wether it joggin, dancing etc) with a heart rate elivated at a constant for no more than an hour each period each day, you can do more messing about with your friends and such, but not for physiological purposes.
So running on the spot for a few minutes prob isnt very benefical if it really is only a few minutes. Walking: fast paced to elivate heart rate.
I recommend swimming as the isnt the joint strain there is with jogging and it can work out alot of the muscles in your body.
jogging increases your heart rate(remember this can be unsafe if your alone)
and cycling!
Press ups come under resistance training, which is fine, but realise your not burning calories(energy unit) that way, your increasing muscle mass on your arms, mscle mass can make you weight more, but this isnt a bad thing, the more muscle you have, the more efficient your body if at buring those calories, youll appear leaner and become stronger too.
with push-ups as they are resistance trainging dont do them everyday.
once every 3days is sufficent, as you need time for the muscle, this also applies to sit-ups/crunches.
With resistance training only work one group of muscles every 2-3days.
example, monday-stomach, tuesday-arms, wednesday-legs/thighs, thursday-stomach, friday-arms, saturday-legs/thighs, sunday rest.
well you get the picture.
I think you shoudl use work on becoming an healthier person and finding the balance!
Good luck
Reply 6
I used to do the same as you (weigh myself after eating)- DON'T. The food hasn't been digested so it's better to wait until the next morning or so to weight yourself.
Reply 7
when i left australia to go on an exchange to france i got really really homesick and lonely and so the only thing i controlled was my weight really....basically i stopped eating other than dinner when my host family was watching and i weighed myself morning and night and would criticise every difference that the scales said. i was already a healthy weight to begin with weighing only 54kg which for my height is pretty good....but after 3 months when i got home i weighed 44 kg and had lost an INCREDIBLE amount of weight.....not only this i was permenantly tired, felt down all the time, cried often and as soon as i got home my parents sent me to the hospital...

sorry to get off track but honestly i think what youre doing is the beginnings of what happened to back away from those scales!! throw them out if u have to! just get rid of them and only weigh yourself once a week....

dont feel so down about your weight at such a young age also...just be happy and moderate your food...have the occasional treat and just usually stick to your healthy diet :smile:
Reply 8
seriously stop this! its the beginnings of an eating disorder!
enjoy your treat and get on with it....just stick with healthy eating and enjoy a treat once in a while
and get rid of those damn scales!
Reply 9
OP definetly give up the scales like weigh yourself only once or twice a week one of my friends used to get a reading from one of those weight machines at boots everyday and keep a notebook of her weight and its not healthy behaviour your weight will always be fluctuating depending on whether youve eaten recently or drank recently
I agree with most, STOP weighing yourself... It will do no good, I mean you'll notice if you put on weight you don't want to etc. I know that my own weight can fluctate about 5kilo in a day depending on of it is morning, evening, directly after a massive workout or directly after a big meal etc. Seriously what is important is that you are healthy, and staring on a scale until you die is not:P
Reply 11
Its quite complicated but after eating you have more of certain things in your body and you will weigh more than you think you should. Best way to do it is to weigh yourself once a week around lunchtime (assuming you got up at a reasonable time).
I personally don't agree with the weigh yourself once a week, I used to weight myself once a day (when i cared about my weight), and then take an average, s I'd still only have one value for the week. I did this because weight can fluctuate so much, I always thought it seemed silly to just do it once because yu could be catching yourself on a heavy or a light day. I guess I have backwards logic.
Reply 13
weighing everyday can make for an unhealthy habit, sure you might be on a heavier day etc just keep in mind that weight fluctuates, if you weight urself once a week, morning, same clothing, before food, after bathroom, it commonly weill be less than from the week prev, not always if your platue-ing.
weighting everyday ALSO can play hovoc w/ self esteem, say after eating saltier foods one day and you find you find u've gained 3lbs, will you wanna go on or reach for the chocbar/starve yourself, when its simply just water weight.
anyways weighting everyday isnt useful for people following a calorie controlled zig-zag(cycling)plan, for those losing weight, but dont want to ruin their metabolic rates with eating low calories
Hey does any really helpful member know the password for slimmingworld??

I couldnt help but miss it this week and my consultant in now on merry holidays....

I would be sooo grateful !!