She comes into my shop, she is a bit crazy but she is a very nice lady if you actually stop and talk to her.
Her children were taken away from her and they now live with her husband in India...unfortunately she has gone a little but loopy in the meantime and believe that everyone is out to get her, including all of the Arndale centre staff apart from my shop as we do her photocopying and faxing letters (to the government!!!) She is probably a little mislead but does no harm.
It is sad to see as she is very well educated lady, she has a masters and a doctorate. If what she says is true it seems to have driven her too far. She is convinved that someone is trying to kill her and that her children are in trouble... she hasn't seen them for many many years!
She only gives the leaflets to women as she believes that all the men are part of the sect that her husband belongs to. She thinks that when buses are full, it is all lies, it is people with cars filling the buses so that she can not get onto them. The best thing to do if she gives you a leaflet is just take it and read it...although it may not make much sense it can sometimes be interesting.
It is very sad to see someone like this, especially such a nice lady...none of you have on here, but anyone who sees her please try not to judge her she is going through some turmoil inside...imagine how you would feel if you were absolutely convinced someone was trying to kill you and your children...and if you weren't even sure if your children were dead already??
Just thought I would fill you in, I know its her because shes told me the bus routes she takes and regularly leaves me a leaflet but I think she is less 'preachy' to me than she is to those on buses.