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Reply 780
****. Everyone needs to watch NXT from last night. That Neville-Balor
Original post by Mackay
****. Everyone needs to watch NXT from last night. That Neville-Balor

Never really watched nxt but might have to with all the hype around it

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Reply 782
Original post by ArsenalWenger
Never really watched nxt but might have to with all the hype around it

Posted from TSR Mobile

It's better than RAW or SmackDown now.
Reply 783
I know the IWC hated it but I actually liked the Sting segment on Raw lol
Reply 784
Original post by Bubzeh
I know the IWC hated it but I actually liked the Sting segment on Raw lol

Nah I loved it. Wish it was a bit longer though as they really ended it abrupt.

Odd, considering HHH loves spending 20minutes of the show rambling about nothing usually.
Original post by Mackay
Taker-Wyatt would be a car-crash of a match, but the spectacle of the entrances/grandiose nature of the promos and run-in would make it all worthwhile for me.

I think it would be a good match, not great but better than last year's disaster between Taker and Lesnar.
Original post by K1NG93
I think it would be a good match, not great but better than last year's disaster between Taker and Lesnar.

Id say it would be good, but its all about Takers fitness and physique. Every photo after the match Taker looks done. That may jusr be because he dies his hair black for WWE and is grey behind the scenes... Like Kevin Nash
Reply 787
Original post by Bubzeh
I know the IWC hated it but I actually liked the Sting segment on Raw lol

Only negative for me was the fake Sting.
Original post by Mackay
Only negative for me was the fake Sting.

Yeah same but I guess with the rumored 6 appearances contract that it made sense. With fast lane and mania guaranteed appearances it then leaves two Raw's for him between fast lane and mania.

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Reply 789
Original post by ArsenalWenger
Yeah same but I guess with the rumored 6 appearances contract that it made sense. With fast lane and mania guaranteed appearances it then leaves two Raw's for him between fast lane and mania.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Or this "6 appearance" thing could end up being BS
Reply 790
Original post by ArsenalWenger
Yeah same but I guess with the rumored 6 appearances contract that it made sense. With fast lane and mania guaranteed appearances it then leaves two Raw's for him between fast lane and mania.

Posted from TSR Mobile

RAW post-Mania would be great.
Remember when WCW did a man vs woman match? Legit proper match, not their only one, and look what happened at the end:
Reply 792
Original post by ozzyoscy
Remember when WCW did a man vs woman match? Legit proper match, not their only one, and look what happened at the end:

Really want some of the WCW bookers to go on Stone Cole Unleashed and explain some of their thinking back in the day tbh. Joey Styles was a great guest this week discussing all things ECW.
Reply 793
Ambrose-BNB confirmed for Fast Lane.

Having Dean and Cena as the Intercontintental/US champ holders would go a hell of a long way to restoring some of their prestige in the eyes of the audience.
Original post by Mackay
Ambrose-BNB confirmed for Fast Lane.

Having Dean and Cena as the Intercontintental/US champ holders would go a hell of a long way to restoring some of their prestige in the eyes of the audience.

Think it would've been more prestigious if Cena was going for the title rather than Rusev though. I don't know if it says a lot for the title when a feud starts because the champ pushed a dude.

I know he sucks at promos, but just start it with him saying he wants gold, big up the history of the U.S. title and say he's going for it. Since they decided last WrestleMania that Cena should be Hogan-esque pro-America, it'd make sense that it's the title he wants just as much as kicking a foreign non-white dude's ass. Then he can have a unification match putting over a rising star, like Ambrose.
Reply 795
Original post by ozzyoscy

I know he sucks at promos, but just start it with him saying he wants gold, big up the history of the U.S. title and say he's going for it. Since they decided last WrestleMania that Cena should be Hogan-esque pro-America, it'd make sense that it's the title he wants just as much as kicking a foreign non-white dude's ass. Then he can have a unification match putting over a rising star, like Ambrose.

A US-Intercontinental unification is what's best for business, but I can't help thinking the company should be looking to have two world belts again. That would have ended the whole Bryan/Reigns argument for the Rumble for a start.
Original post by Mackay
A US-Intercontinental unification is what's best for business, but I can't help thinking the company should be looking to have two world belts again. That would have ended the whole Bryan/Reigns argument for the Rumble for a start.

Doesn't make sense to have two though, and it doesn't matter how many belts, PPVs or hours in a show there are if the booking's bad.
Reply 797
Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan vs. Big Show, Kane and Rollins this Sunday I assume.
Reply 798
At least with Elimination chamber PPV i had the chamber to look forward to. Almost nothing interests me about Fastlane other than Sting's appearance, which isn't even a scheduled match.
Reply 799
Original post by AR_95
At least with Elimination chamber PPV i had the chamber to look forward to. Almost nothing interests me about Fastlane other than Sting's appearance, which isn't even a scheduled match.

Taker may yet resurface.

Can't believe they've held back Orton's return, though.