The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The faculty of life science interviews (which includes neuroscience) willl be more of a chat about you, your reasons for applying to manchester, why neuroscience, what you do in your spare time, what you're expecting from the course and what you want to do in the future.

The interview will be 1-to-1 and lasts about 15 minutes.
Reply 2
hey mc4263, in the same boat. When is your interview? You found out anything else?
Good luck!
Reply 3
Hey, I'm applying for neuro too. Interview at Manchester on the 6th! From reading posts on here, the interview will be the same really as the biomed interview so read the posts on that and that will help you. When's your interview..?
Reply 4
Cool, :biggrin: , good luck! Mine isnt until the 14th of Febuary. I'm applyed for the industial/proffessional experience, so dunno if that changes anything. Yeah, i'm reading through all them, trying to work it all out in my head. Hehe, you can come back and tell us all when they asked u :-p.
Reply 5
Any one else who's applying? i want people i can say hello to lol. I really think i'm going to hate interviews. Does anyone know if we need to take anything with us?

Thanks :biggrin:
Reply 6
Had my interview a week ago, and it went well. Got an offer and they offer you your predicted grades. It was a really relaxed interview, I had my interview with Dr Allan who is the Neuroscience coordinator and he was really friendly. I got asked why neuroscience, why manchester, volunteer work, extra curricular activities. He asked me what I thought a neuroscience degree involved and if I had any questions for him - I just asked the sort of final year projects students carried out. I wouldn't worry about it.. at the beginning of the day they said that all of us were likely to get an offer and that maybe one person wouldn't get an offer out of like 90 people.

Does anyone know if we need to take anything with us?

Thanks :biggrin:

Nope, you don't need to take anything with you. Also Dashbrook, I know this is irrelevant to Manchester, but have you got your interview from Bristol yet? Got my letter through on Saturday..
Reply 7
Kewl :biggrin: , thank you. Yey, glad u got your offer, congrats . Doesn't seem so bad, long as i get a nice interviewer.

Yeah, i got 3 choices of days to go, i went for Febuary 7th. Sent an e-mail at weekend to say that i wanted to go. How about u?