Hey all,
I'm 17, just started uni and have an 100% overbite, which means my top row of teeth end up in front of my bottom row when i bite, and my teeth are not that straight, hence i wanted this sorted out.
I was advised by my orthodontist, in order to have straight teeth, i have to get my jaw realiged (jaw has to be broken in surgery and then aligned), otherwise the teeth will not stay straight after i have had braces.
I have got my second meeting with one of the doctors on monday, but im reallllly scared now about the treatment, having braces for a couple of years first, and then having surgery (6 hours surgery, and nothing solid to eat for a couple of moths after surgery), thereafter i have to have braces again i think for a while.
I'm more scared about the surgery than the braces tbh, and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this kind of treatment, i feel very depressed at the moment...