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Reply 1
wot would u guys think of a girl with a six pack i mean wud u think its sexy or not. im not talking about the big muscly girls as u can get slim girls that do loads of sit ups :biggrin:

Well, it shows that they are athletic, but really doesn't give a very nice cuddle sensation.
Reply 2
wot would u guys think of a girl with a six pack i mean wud u think its sexy or not. im not talking about the big muscly girls as u can get slim girls that do loads of sit ups :biggrin:

i dont mind it at all, but for me, its not like oh wow shag me you have got nice muscles
Reply 3
A girl with a six pack of lager would be nice.

sexist pig-kun
Reply 4
i dont mind it at all, but for me, its not like oh wow shag me you have got nice muscles

Reply 5
Lots of girls have close to a six-pack, as in, ironing board stomachs and you can see their obliques slightly, which is pretty sexy, but I dont think there are many girls with six packs.
Reply 6
No, a joke :rolleyes:

Oh! A sarcasm detector! That'll be *real* useful. :biggrin:
Reply 7
yea by a six pack i meant flat and slightly muscly not as muscly as men though if u know wot i mean.
i just wondered coz some guys like slightly large girls and others like slim toned ones etc
Reply 8
Lots of girls have close to a six-pack, as in, ironing board stomachs and you can see their obliques slightly, which is pretty sexy, but I dont think there are many girls with six packs.

I like a girl where you cannot see the muscles, but still not fat, they are nice and cuddly
wot would u guys think of a girl with a six pack i mean wud u think its sexy or not. im not talking about the big muscly girls as u can get slim girls that do loads of sit ups :biggrin:

Tis nicer than a girl with a beer belly. :smile:
Tis nicer than a girl with a beer belly. :smile:

aye, that is true.
Reply 11
Well, as long as you cant clearly define the 6 pieces of the pack, it can be as close to a 6 pack as you want
Reply 12
that bird from black eyed peas has a pretty toned stomach, not quite a 6-pac but it looks sexy
Reply 13
have any of you seen the movie " thirteen " the brunette girl is soooo SEXY in that
Reply 14
Tis nicer than a girl with a beer belly. :smile:

And big hoopy earrings, called some typical charver name (don't want to be specific in case I offend anyone) and wearing tracksuits. Kappa slappers, if you will.
Well, as long as you cant clearly define the 6 pieces of the pack, it can be as close to a 6 pack as you want

I like something to hold on to, which a 6-pack, there is nothing.
And big hoopy earrings, called some typical charver name (don't want to be specific in case I offend anyone) and wearing tracksuits. Kappa slappers, if you will.

They are one species of female I hate, the chav, the look horrible.
Reply 17
A toned stomach on a girl is very very sexy, as are long slim legs mmmm... Its funny when I was younger I didnt rate these at all, it was all about the rack. Guess thats called "maturing" lol
Reply 18
sexist pig-kun

What in heaven's name is a 'pig-kun'?
Reply 19
What in heaven's name is a 'pig-kun'?

kun is japanese. You know how much wirwan likes that japanese stuff :biggrin: