The Student Room Group

Passing wind during lessons

Okay I seem to have this problem where every time I'm in lessons I keep doing really loud farts in the middle of the lesson.
I'm sure most of you reading this find this pathetic / hilarious, but if you actually experienced this situation I don't think anyone would find it funny.

As you all should know, its half-term, but on Friday I was in a lesson and while the teacher was in full flow of teaching, out of no-where comes a really loud fart. Words can't describe how embarassing this is for me, and I'm not sure whether everyone / anyone realises it's me or not, and for the rest of the lesson I feel really self-conscious.
On some occasions, fellow students have said "Errr what's that smell" which is beyond embarassing for me, and I reckon one day someone will say "It's them!" *points at me*

I'm sorry if this sounds stupid but does anyone know of any techniques of holding in or stopping passing wind as this problem is the most embarrasing thing since George Bush choked on a pretzel! :frown:

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Reply 1
Avoid foods will make you fart, such as cabbage, sprouts and baked beans.

I had a similar problem because I was eating 2 or 3 cans of baked beans a day, so I switched to tinned spaghetti and it was fine.
ha ha ha

FARTING FTW!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Guff with pride!
Reply 3
ha ha ha

FARTING FTW!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Guff with pride!

Is that a homonymic pun?
not all schools are on half term yet
ha ha ha

FARTING FTW!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Guff with pride!

That post simultaneously warms my heart and makes me want to hit you in the face with a slab of concrete.
Reply 6
Go to see a nutritionalist (uh-sp?lol) That's what i did.
Reply 7
Avoid foods will make you fart, such as cabbage, sprouts and baked beans.

I had a similar problem because I was eating 2 or 3 cans of baked beans a day, so I switched to tinned spaghetti and it was fine.

Thanks for the advice but I don't really eat food that makes me fart. :confused:
Reply 8
Is that a homonymic pun?

Does she strike you as the sort of person who might be capable of supplying a satisfactory answer?
List out all the food you've eaten in the past 48 hours. Now.
fizzy drinks? fizzy drinks are like satan for stuff like that.. lol

id say google it
Reply 11
Does she strike you as the sort of person who might be capable of supplying a satisfactory answer?

No comment.
Reply 12
List out all the food you've eaten in the past 48 hours. Now.

I've had a jacket potato with a curry thing in it
panini with brie and onion on it
couple chocolates
bacon sandwich

thats about it :confused:
I think the chocolate, curry and fizzy drimk were definitely a bad idea. A lot of junk can mess you up inside.

It's not IBS is it?
this thread is clearly a piss take.
Reply 15
I think the chocolate, curry and fizzy drimk were definitely a bad idea. A lot of junk can mess you up inside.

It's not IBS is it?

Funny you should say that as my mum used to suffer from IBS, but there is no pain so I'm pretty sure it isn't that.
Thanks for everyone's advice.

Why would I post this as a piss-take?? :rolleyes:
I've had a jacket potato with a curry thing in it
panini with brie and onion on it
couple chocolates
bacon sandwich

thats about it :confused:

that sounds like bad enough to give you wind!

even a couple of sips of fizzy drink and im all burpy (ladies dont fart lol) so that could be why!

start drinking water instead and see if you notice a difference
Reply 17
And try cutting out the curry :s-smilie:
I haven't laughed that hard in at least a week. Despite being a 17 year old future doctor threads about farting are ALWAYS funny!
Reply 19
The curry isn't a regular thing lol, we've just been eating it regulalrly lately as a family, but we started eating the curry after the farting so it can't be that.

I wish I could laugh at this as much as you. :frown:

In a couple of days one of my friends is coming round and in the past people have walked through the front door saying "What's that smell?" - I don't want that happening again in a couple days time.