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I really want to give up, but i don't know how to, any suggestion?

Patches? Chewing Gum?

Also apparently when you want to reach for a cigarette reach for your phone instead and type a text message to get your mind off of it (I read this earlier today on :redface:) But hey i've been going alright for the last 6 weeks without the need for a cigarette with patches so yeah it's good :smile:
Reply 2
You could wear a nicotine patch?

Or just force yourself to only have a set number each day, specific times? Gradually lower it.

Good luck anyway.
Reply 3
Apparently a really successful way is to sit and smoke as many cigarettes as you can one right after the other. Then when you feel completely sick, have one more. It'll make you feel so ill and disgusted with yourself that you'll never want to pick up another cigarette. You could also try going completely cold turkey-once three days have passed, its supposed to get easier. Make sure you have loads of people around you to support you, and cut yourself off from any regular smoking buddies you have.

Hope something in there is helpful!!!
Reply 4
Start right now, cut up all the cigarettes you have left over.
my boss told me this one years ago its how he quit.
set yourslef a specfic day time and hour you intend to quit at. then buy 60 cigarettes and sit down with a clock. Smoke one a minute for the hour, at the end of each minute no matter how little youve smoked of it light another with the cherry.
after everyone is gone you will never want to smoke again apprently.
Reply 6
I just stopped, and surprisingly I found it a lot easier than I thought it'd be. I did it because I wanted to prove to my boyfriend & myself that I could.

I do still smoke when I'm very drunk but hell...from up 5-10 a day even before I go out to nothing unless I've had a lot to drink, I think that's pretty good.

So yeah...just stop.

You need a good enough reason to though. I've tried before but never really wanted to and never had a reason...until now.
Reply 7
Chew something when you feel like having a pack of straws :smile:.
Reply 8
It's bloody difficult to quit without patches, I know, as I can't use them. It does make you stressed and very irritable, as rather unfortunately my girlfriend found out.

Don't do as I did, go three days then give up giving up, it's really not worth it either in health or monetary terms.

Good luck, I'm stopping tonight as I don't think kissing someone with a mouth like an ashtray is very nice to experience, but also because of the strain it's putting on my bank account (damn chip and pin! :hmpf:), it'll be worth it in the long run.

If you have any problems whilst quitting, send me a PM, no doubt I'll have experienced them myself, and we can work through it together.

A useful site is

I'm going to be using that alot over the coming weeks.

Good luck once again :smile:
Reply 9
DON'T GIVE UP! Smoking is cool :cool:
Reply 10
DON'T GIVE UP! Smoking is cool :cool:

:cool: ≠ :smokin:
Reply 11
It is hard, but you can do it if you really set yourself to it. First of all, you really genuinely need to want to quit, not just think that you ought to, otherwise you won't be able to do it.

I've found nicotine gum quite useful, it keeps the edginess away and fixes the urge when you are drinking in a bar and everyone else around you is smoking. Other than that I try to have something to nibble all the time, grapes are a good one. Something healthy though, or you will gain loads of weight.

I've gone on a break a dozen times already and even after months of not smoking it is so easy to fall back into the bad habit. Now I've quit again, 2-3 months ago, and although I occasionally bum a cigarette in a bar I don't consider myself a smoker anymore. I won't pick up smoking again, it just isn't enjoyable anymore.
Best of luck to you! You could try asking at your GP's office, they often hold Stop Smoking clinics, or at least will be able to give you advice.

Has anyone noticed how some topics seem to occur in bunches? Like there's this one, the one about smoking speeding up the metabolism, the one about using nicotine gum to lose weight and "is smoking really that unhealthy". Hmm.
Reply 13
put 'no smoking' signs all around your room
and now u make me wanna have a cigarette :p: brb
Reply 15
thanks for all your advice its going to be difficult, my partner smokes heavily and we live together. As well as all the health implications, my dad got a heart condition from life long smoking. I also watched Dr Death on BBC3 which showed an autopsy and the lungs of someone who had been a life long smoker and died from lung cancer. It is not worth it and I regret the day I picked up my first ciggeratte.
Reply 16
from my tobacco pack:

"Get help to stop smoking:
ring 0800 169 0 169"

up to you. Don't ask me what they do.
I just stole all my flat mates cigarettes to make him stop smoking, I detest the habit.
from my tobacco pack:

"Get help to stop smoking:
ring 0800 169 0 169"

up to you. Don't ask me what they do.

i love the one where when you buy your cigarettes and its says on the pack
"smoking addictive dont start"
after youve bought the pack

Man With No Name
I just stole all my flat mates cigarettes to make him stop smoking, I detest the habit.

you did that to me id smack you especially first thing in morning when its time for the first one of the day with a morning coffee:biggrin:
you did that to me id smack you especially first thing in morning when its time for the first one of the day with a morning coffee:biggrin:

No you wouldn't.