The Student Room Group
Reply 1
is there any way at all to check ur ee to make sure u havent plagiarised? is there like some kind of software or sum website that will check ur work for u?

i heard abt sumthing like turnitin or sumthing. Any ideas? I need URGENT help

Dont know where you can check it but generally if youve referenced everything you copied (and its not too excessive.. like whole paragraphs copied) you should be fine!
stay calm :p: if u haven't u won't get caught :biggrin:
Reply 3
Hehe, shouldnt YOU know if youve copied something?!
theres a program called
yeah shouldn't you know that you've copied something? jsut reference quotes and you should be all right.
hmm...I smell guilty conscience...:p:
Reply 6
theres a program called

yeah, i've heard about this software. our teachers told us a little about it.
you won't be able to check whether you've plaigarised or not, cause you've gotta pay for such softwares. but, you should know wheter you've plaigarised or not. if you're confused, just make a list of all the websites that you visited and make footnotes for any specific information or diagrams or any piece of information you found on the web, book, CD or whatever in your essay. i also had this problem, and my supervisor was really useless, since he didn't check my essay at all. so i had to read my entire essay all oer again and mark all the little pieces of information which i knew were taken from the web. but follow this step as a last resort, if you dun have any other option, otherwise it's a painstaking task and probably even a waste of time. for making references, you can always go to for a quick way of citing sources.
Reply 7
dude. you WILL get caught. the IB uses we use it at school first for our drafts just to make sure but they put all the EEs/IA they get into the database and there's heaps and heaps of sources so you WILL definately get caught if you've plagarised.
Reply 8
dude. you WILL get caught. the IB uses we use it at school first for our drafts just to make sure but they put all the EEs/IA they get into the database and there's heaps and heaps of sources so you WILL definitely get caught if you've plagarised.

You bumped a 10 month old thread to say that?
Good point I.B.S, but I don't think it matters now, the OP has probably already finished her final IB exams...haha
Reply 10

Anyway to correct Emica.... IB randomly picks few papers and checks them, but if its not obvious you copied smth (structure) you will not get caught....very few papers ger checked, takes lots of resources to retype/rescan whole project into computer version.
Reply 11
Actually scanning is done now via computer programming, turning it into editable text. Anyway, we use at our school, only so the teachers know its our own work. We usually get upwards of 5% copied, but its generally small things which arent important.

Be worried if you have copied a paragraph, not a series of 9 words. Quote everything.