The Student Room Group

History Aptitude Test

Who else is doing this next week?

Just wondering, how are you guys preparing for the exam? And also, have any of you heard anything from Oxford or your tutor or anyone about it yet?

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Reply 1

What is it? What's the advantage of doing it? Is it too late to enter?

It's just an admissions test for Oxford.
Reply 2
It's just an admissions test for Oxford.

Oh right, that's me out then :biggrin:

Is it as hard as A2 or harder?
Reply 3
Oh right, that's me out then :biggrin:

Is it as hard as A2 or harder?

Looks absolutely ridiculously hard. I have a feeling the answer's are a bit BS, so I'm glad I did Geography...:biggrin:
Reply 4
Looks absolutely ridiculously hard. I have a feeling the answer's are a bit BS, so I'm glad I did Geography...:biggrin:

Oh, well, good luck anyway! :wink:
Im doing it next week and have done nothing to prepare for it! Think ill just look over/attempt the past papers and then flick thru the mark schemes, but the point if it seems to be that you can't prepare and is utterly different from AS/A2 exams so we shall see...!
Reply 6
I'm doing it... I'm getting kind of nervous because I've been ill for about a month and have consequently not done any reading or preperation. It doesn't really seem like you can do much preperation for it, I'm just going to read through my notes from last year so I have some examples to write about, and give the practice papers a go.
Reply 7
Is it not quite similar to History AEA?
Reply 8
Dont you get a reading list to help revise for AEA though?
The only quesiton on the paper that would require own knowledge is C i think it is but still i don't think they will be looking for strings of facts and dates. All ive done is each of the two papers on the website with the accompaniment of the mark scheme to get a solid for feel for structuring my answers. Then when given the real thing i will have a solid foundation to build on.
Reply 9
Hmm, I don't think there was a reading list for AEA. I was the only one in my college to get distinction (:biggrin:) but I never really went to the lessons; so there may have been reading list that I was unaware of...

I do remember looking at a HAT paper early in the year. I think the first question at least was similar to AEA.
Reply 10
Oh well, best of luck to everybody though!
Reply 11
hmmm Im just reading over past papers and looking for my notes from my History A level (now finished) so I can answer the knowledge one. I really hope I dont do embarrasingly badly!

Good luck everyone! :smile:

btw what time are you all sitting it?
Reply 12
Just a word of warning. Some Cambridge colleges have introduced a HAT as part of the interview process, but you do it while you are there not in advance. I did it last year at Selwyn, it was not much harder than A2 but obviously not much time to prepare.
Reply 13
hmmm Im just reading over past papers and looking for my notes from my History A level (now finished) so I can answer the knowledge one. I really hope I dont do embarrasingly badly!

Good luck everyone! :smile:

btw what time are you all sitting it?

I'd guess it's 9am (or whenever the school day starts) like most external exams. Absolutely no idea though, can't say I'm looking forward to it much as I'm the only person in my school sitting it. Is the exam invigilated?
Reply 14
I am the only person at my college sitting it as well and am having to pay for an invilgilator so yes I think you do need one (either that or my college are taking the ****). They asked me what time I wanted to start and I said ten although I presume there must be an official starting time or people could cheat
Reply 15
I am the only person at my college sitting it as well

Me too, although the school did not make any contact before half-term to give me the impression they knew about it. I'll have to ask the exams office when I get back. I persume that 9am is the uniform time.
Reply 16
I hope I dont have to change the time with exams :confused:
Reply 17
Me too, although the school did not make any contact before half-term to give me the impression they knew about it. I'll have to ask the exams office when I get back. I persume that 9am is the uniform time.

Same, not had any contact with my school about it. The whole thing seems fairly poorly organised to me...
Reply 18
Ok I have just had a strange thought and wanted to check. This HAT is emailed to colleges right? So does that mean they print it off or do we do it on the computers? *prays for computers*
Reply 19
I'm almost 100% sure it's on paper. If you have special exam status that means you can type your script then maybe you can use a PC though, but I'm not sure.

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