The Student Room Group
seee a doctor

my right hand always gets freezing cold when i'm at my PC and the window's open and its cold outside but my left stays nice and warm...similar i spose :p:
Reply 2
Reply 3
see a doctor soon? but i can't, its late. i can hardly turn up to A&E with it, they'd laugh at me?
Reply 4
Are you left handed ?
Reply 5
no, right handed
Reply 6

my right hand always gets freezing cold when i'm at my PC and the window's open and its cold outside but my left stays nice and warm...similar i spose :p:

If your hand is on the mouse, thats just poor circulation causing it to be cold as your chair is no doubt lower than the desk.

As for the pins and needles, that too may be poor circulation. My sister used to get headaches and cold hands and she lost the feeling in them too. She was prescribed antidepressants (dont ask why!!) but they worked, and she is fine. But yes, if in doubt see a doctor. Thats what they're there for!
My mum had to have major surgery because of the same problem, it might be what Segat1 said 'RSI' although that may have just been Segat1 sleeping on the keyboard.
Reply 8
oh brilliant, major surgery! :s i hope not. i'm already having doctors looking at my heart, hope its not related. i've only got an irregular heartbeat, so its nothing too major, but still gets to me.
maybe it is rsi, i don't want to blow things out of proportion, cos i know i'll worry myself, but i can't help thinking its weird, the feelings i'm getting in my hand
Reply 9
It could be a compression of the n. medianus as in a carpal tunnel syndrome.

No major surgery needed for that. If it is operated, it is a small thing.

It can also be the n. ulnaris, that is the one which also runs along the elbow and gives you an "electric shock" when you happen to bang it when banging your elbow.

What you decribe sounds very much like a compressed nerve, for whatever reason. Think: did you have your hand or arm in an unusual position? Give it a day, if it persists see the doc on Monday, if it gets worse maybe consider an earlier appointment.
carpal tunnel syndrome

Yep i think my mum had that.
try dip it hot water, or just have a shower or bath to relax urself and the hand. if not sleep on it and see wat happens in the next few days. ive had that, but rarely. so not much of a prob
Reply 12
try dip it hot water, or just have a shower or bath to relax urself and the hand. if not sleep on it and see wat happens in the next few days. ive had that, but rarely. so not much of a prob

Ta, i'll try that x :smile:
Reply 13
I've had similar things like that, there are loads of things it could be. Just go to the doctor on monday and shes likely to get x-rays and stuff done.
Goodluck x
Reply 14
It could be a compression of the n. medianus as in a carpal tunnel syndrome.

No major surgery needed for that. If it is operated, it is a small thing.

It can also be the n. ulnaris, that is the one which also runs along the elbow and gives you an "electric shock" when you happen to bang it when banging your elbow.

What you decribe sounds very much like a compressed nerve, for whatever reason. Think: did you have your hand or arm in an unusual position? Give it a day, if it persists see the doc on Monday, if it gets worse maybe consider an earlier appointment.

If there's pain in the fourth and fifth fingers then it's ulnar nerve damage not median nerve damage...

Think about it... 4th and 5th isn't medial... so it's not going to be swelling in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome)...

I do agree with you, this probably has been caused by wacking your elbow, which caused some damage to your ulnar nerve (which runs behind your elbow)... It is quite common to get this pain...

To the person who started the thread... It probably isn't likely to be serious... but I do suggest you go and see your GP...
Reply 15
oh brilliant, major surgery! :s i hope not. i'm already having doctors looking at my heart, hope its not related. i've only got an irregular heartbeat, so its nothing too major, but still gets to me.
maybe it is rsi, i don't want to blow things out of proportion, cos i know i'll worry myself, but i can't help thinking its weird, the feelings i'm getting in my hand

Ok, it may well be connected... People with cardiac problems commonly have referred pain - whether this referred pain would be specifically in the fingers I don't know... I know people can get pain referred to the shoulder with cardiac problems... I don't know about the fingers though... Anyone else know?...

Anywayz, I definitely would go and see your GP as soon as...
Reply 16
yeah, dip it in warm water or better, get a tea towel and try to maintain warmth around it for a while. Don't panic, just keep warm- maybe a glove for when you sleep? See how it is in the morning- be careful that you don't sleep on it- I did once and my hand was numb for 20 mins after getting up! If it is still bad, ring NHS Direct for more advice to manage it until Mon, when you need to make an appointment ASAP!
Reply 17
Ok, it may well be connected... People with cardiac problems commonly have referred pain - whether this referred pain would be specifically in the fingers I don't know... I know people can get pain referred to the shoulder with cardiac problems... I don't know about the fingers though... Anyone else know?...

Anywayz, I definitely would go and see your GP as soon as...

The referred pain occures in ischemic myocardial (= not enough blood gets into tissue, here heart) situations; you then have a pain in your left shoulder, arm or in your jaw. I guess the OP is young and the cardial problems he/she is talking about is not ischemic, wasn't it arhythmia? Even though people who have a myocardial ischemia will often get arrhythmic (VT, VF), I am pretty sure we are not talking about anything like that here.
Reply 18
If there's pain in the fourth and fifth fingers then it's ulnar nerve damage not median nerve damage...

Think about it... 4th and 5th isn't medial... so it's not going to be swelling in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome)...

I do agree with you, this probably has been caused by wacking your elbow, which caused some damage to your ulnar nerve (which runs behind your elbow)... It is quite common to get this pain...

To the person who started the thread... It probably isn't likely to be serious... but I do suggest you go and see your GP...

You are of course right with ulnaris and medianus, but then folks don't always recount every symptom they have, often because they think it isn't important. Carpal tunnel syndrome, though rare in young people, is one option when tingling sensations etc. in a hand are recounted. Compression of n. ulnaris is the other easy option. There are a few more, I don't want to go into.
If of course the symptoms are really only restricted to dig. IV and V then it would be an ulnaris compression.
Heya. I had the same problem about three weeks ago; total numbness in my left hand, but also an infrequent shooting pain up my middle finger. Turns out I had a trapped nerve. Took a while to get all the feeling back, but the doctors gave me some excercises to try and get all the feeling back. I also lost a lot of strength in my hand temporarily, but it seems to be back to normal now.