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Reply 1
They can last until you're 20 years old. Don't confuse this with fat tissue which will be there if you're overweight. Do plenty of weight lifting.
Yeah, are you absolutely sure you have gyno? You could just have a genetic predisposition to store fat in your chest.
Reply 3
fat is burned with cardio, dont think lifting weights can make fat go. Nothing better than having a swim or taking up team sports like football or rugby. If thats not your thing invest in an exercise bike
fat is burned with cardio, dont think lifting weights can make fat go. Nothing better than having a swim or taking up team sports like football or rugby. If thats not your thing invest in an exercise bike

Boy, you sure have a LOT to learn about fitness if you think cardio is better for lipolysis than resistance training. Resistance exercise burns approximately the same amount of calories as cardio, raises metabolism for longer post-exercise and also increases VO2 max, as well as building muscle which will increase your BMR, thus burning more calories.
Reply 5
they dont always go
in some cases they can be thier for life. weight lifting is not the best idea as it wont turn the breast tissue into muscle so they just look like their getting bigger. if it is just a weigh issue then increase cardio workout. jog, swim. you cant spot reduce fat so press ups etc wont lose the fat. put on your running shoes and hit the streets!
Cardio isn't the answer. Weight training is much better for burning fat than cardio is.

If you go mental on cardio, then all that's going to happen is you end up skinny fat. No muscle mass whatsoever, and also a complete lack of definition, because without weight training to raise your metabolism that extra bit, your body is unable to shift the last stores of fat.
Reply 7
If you've just started a training regime, and do cardio for the first few weeks, then slowly start introducing the weights - would this be a good way to do it?
Why would you not just start doing weights from the start?

I spent a long time trying to get shredded by just doing cardio and doing diets before I ever lifted a weight, and got absolutely nowhere.

Then I started weight training and found with the additional muscle mass I gained that losing fat was an absolute piece of piss compared to the bitch it was before, and I got much more shredded, much quicker than I ever did by doing just cardio.
Reply 9
The reason being, that if u have the so called moobs, then surely putting muscle mass on the chest area will cause them to have a layer of muscle then a layer of fat on top, causing a bigger problem than you originally started with? So i thought maybe doing cardio for the first few weeks to lose some fat, then starting the weights and getting some mass there.

What kind of training schedule did you follow?
Reply 10
Boy, you sure have a LOT to learn about fitness if you think cardio is better for lipolysis than resistance training. Resistance exercise burns approximately the same amount of calories as cardio, raises metabolism for longer post-exercise and also increases VO2 max, as well as building muscle which will increase your BMR, thus burning more calories.

You still need to do aerobic as well as resistance training. You cant lose fat purely pumping weights:p: I am sure you know fat doesn't turn into muscle and as well as exercise he should lower calorie intake for better results
The reason being, that if u have the so called moobs, then surely putting muscle mass on the chest area will cause them to have a layer of muscle then a layer of fat on top, causing a bigger problem than you originally started with? So i thought maybe doing cardio for the first few weeks to lose some fat, then starting the weights and getting some mass there.

What kind of training schedule did you follow?

Nah, it doesn't work like that. Doing weights will help you lose the fat much faster (assuming it is fat and not breast tissue, for which you'd need surgery).

Yes, doing weights will build your pecs up, but you need to eat a caloric surplus to achieve any decent muscle mass, and if you're dieting to burn fat then you're not going to build much muscle.

As for my training schedule, I've done all sorts. Way too many to detail here.

I currently work on a full body routine of compound lifts only, each muscle hit 3 times a week.
Reply 12
hope you dont mind me asking, but what kinda regime did you start off with, and gave you best results?
also, how do you know if its fat or tissue? does it have a certain texture if its fat or tissue?? ermmm yeh :s-smilie: lol
I started off pretty uneducated, typical gym n00b, doing lots of bicep curls and bench presses.

Unsurprisingly, I got nowhere.

Then I went onto a split routine, hitting each muscle to complete exhaustion once a week, with a chest/triceps, back/biceps and shoulders/legs split, and got decent growth. Compounds and isolations in that one.

Then I went to a full body routine, compounds only, hitting each muscle two or three times a week, depending on my schedule, and my growth went through the roof. Much better than the split routine, the difference was just absolutely astonishing.
Reply 14
Thanks for comments. Eblis_O'_Shaughnessy - you sound as though you know what you're talking about, so basically if I start weight training then i should notice a difference if it's fat rather than gynecomastia, correct?
If it is fat, yeah. A decent diet combined with weight training will make differences to your body you never thought possible.

Having said that, I would definitely include cardio as well, purely to burn extra calories and for health.
If it is just fat you can lose it via losing weight (unsurprisingly)

however, if its actually gyno then that can usually only be corrected by surgery or made less obvious by increasing muscle size in the chest.
Reply 17
Whether it's gyne or fat, make sure you have a sensible diet and plenty of exercise to make it less obvious. I don't know how old you are but if you still have it when you're 19/20 it'll be worth seeing a doc to get peace of mind
Reply 18

Having said that, I would definitely include cardio as well, purely to burn extra calories and for health.

If its fat i doubt the Moobs will go until you lose weight or build muscle x