The Student Room Group

Calming Nerves

Hi every1

I am a very nervous person, and always worried what people might think or say about me. I am at uni so before i go to university everyday, i drink Red Bull + Alcochol, about 2 glasses. I know this is not normal, but this makes me more relax, and more sociable, and my real personality comes out and i get a positive recation which makes it even hard 2 resist. LOL

I am not an alchoholic, but this just makes me more relaxed. Any Other ways to calm your self and relax those nerves.
Reply 1
erm... yoga perhaps?
Reply 2
There's this stuff called rescue remedy made by batches, it helps to relax you, you take afew drops on your tounge (contains brandy aswell as flower extracts) and it really works. I use it when I get nervous.
Reply 3
Yeah Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy, alternatively if your nerves are really bad consider a visit to the doc? Anti-depressants can be good for this, or if you get nervous before particular events (e.g. flying, exams etc) they can prescribe beta blockers or benzodiazepines. Definately stay away from the caffiene though, it won't help as it is a stimulant and can increase some of the symptomes of nervousness. (And obviously not a good idea to become reliant on alcohol).
Hi every1

I am a very nervous person, and always worried what people might think or say about me. I am at uni so before i go to university everyday, i drink Red Bull + Alcochol, about 2 glasses. I know this is not normal, but this makes me more relax, and more sociable, and my real personality comes out and i get a positive recation which makes it even hard 2 resist. LOL

I am not an alchoholic, but this just makes me more relaxed. Any Other ways to calm your self and relax those nerves.

Have you tried some scented candles or herbal teas? they are very good at relaxing :smile:
Reply 5
One book will solve your problem, its called "Changing your life in 7 days" by Paul McKenna and it really really helped me, you get an audio CD with it that properly relaxes you and it lasts for 1/2 an hour so instead of the drinking put that on and it refreshes you and makes you feel good about yourself. Also, that flower remedy is a good one, it smells like whisky so you still get the alcohol taste and the calming influence. Id try the lot but id definitely recommend that book, it worked wonders for me, i know other TSR's have also found it useful
Reply 6
Yeah Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy

Where is this avaliable..........?
Reply 7
Just skin up a joint...
Reply 8
Where is this avaliable..........?

From a normal pharmacy like boots.
Reply 9
Where is this avaliable..........?

You can also get it at tescos :smile:
Reply 10
Also, in addition to my last post..................LISTEN TO THIS God that is relaxing!!!
Vodka is your friend