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IB Revision Sites - Read First Page

A revised list of websites for IB subjects.
The list is just a modified version of:
I went through his list and removed sites that no longer work, or do not provide good notes. I also added a few sites of my own.

..::[ Anthropology ]::..
Revision Notes: IB Anthropology IB Anthropology Notes.
IB Anthropology Notes Anthropology notes.
Social & Cultural Anthropology

..::[ Biology ]::..
IB Biology - Nease High School Biology notes following the syllabus. resources HL Biology notes following the syllabus.
Revision Notes: IB Chemistry IB Biology SL/HL Option Topics Notes.
Revision Notes: IB Biology IB Biology SL Notes.
The Open Door Website: IB Biology IB Biology Notes.
Gresham HS: IB Biology Biology notes.
IB Biology Notes Biology notes, inlcuding option topics.
IB Biology Syllabus Biology notes, including Option D and H. Not complete.
Kimball's Biology Pages Not IB Biology, but an online biology textbook, organized by topics.
Guide to writing a lab report How to write a lab report.
Human Biology Guide A-level Biology notes, but still useful for studying IB Biology.
The Group 4 Project Science Group 4 project requirements.
Race Rocks IB Biology Syllabus.
Biology Syllabus New syllabus for May 2003 onwards (pdf file) Biology IB Stuff Notes in .doc files.

..::[ Business Studies ]::..
Business Studies Resources Business & Management - Topic by Topic Notes.

..::[ Chemistry ]::..
IB Chemistry Syllabus and Notes New IB site with interactive notes and syllabus information.
MYP Chemistry IB Middle Years Program Chemistry. Has some notes and details about assessment criteria.
Chemistry Glossary IB Chemistry Glossary.
IB Chemistry Options Syllabus IB Chemistry SL and HL Options Syllabus.
IB Notes Chemistry notes for SL and HL, including option topics.
Chemistry notes by Paul Li and Silvia Riggioni Chemistry notes (.doc file).
Guide to writing a lab report How to write a lab report.
Periodic Table Interactive periodic table. Click symbol for name of element, mass number, atomic number etc.
The Group 4 Project Science Group 4 project requirements.
Chemistry Formula Booklet (pdf file)
Ms. Wiseman's IB Chemistry Chemistry SL notes.
IB Resources - Portfolios and Labs An IB Student's Physics labs and chemistry labs. Savita Pall and Chemistry Chemistry notes and lab info.

..::[ Computer Science ]::..
BUPS/BIS IB Computer Course Notes for the SL and HL courses. The notes are under "Coursework".
IB Computing Notes for the SL and HL courses.
St Julian's School Computer Science Homepage Computer Science notes, including programming (Pascal).
IB Computer Science at Escuela Campo Alegre New Computer Science syllabus and notes.
Computer Science Dossier Guide (pdf file)
Diana's Computer Science SL Dossier (zip file) Address Book program written in Pascal.
ABC: Computer Science Computer Science syllabus.

..::[ Design Technology ]::..
International School of Toulouse Design Technology Syllabus and projects.

..::[ Economics ]::..
Economics Notes Huge resource for Economics notes.
Essentials of Economics Online Case Studies. A guide to writing economics commentaries. Select a chapter, and scroll down the page.
Economics for IB Students Online Economics Textbook. For SL and HL.
Biz/ed IB Page Notes for SL and HL Courses.
IB Economics Notes Some notes on Business structures, Development. Includes economics definitions. IB Economics definitions.
The Sixth Form College Economics notes. IB Resources - Economics Very comprehensive Economics HL & SL syllabus notes. Also has an IB student's portfolio essays.
Tutor2U Economics Notes A very large set of notes for economics.

..::[ English ]::..
ASM IB English Grades 11 & 12 Great IB English site. With oral commentary tips, sample World Lit essays, scoring guides, poetry review terms etc.
Mr. Rohol's English IV IB Homepage reat site for IB English. Has grading system for IB commentaries, orals, essays, tips for writing commentaries etc.
Definitions of Literary Terms Definition of Literary terms.
Guide to writing your commentary
Guide to writing an Oral Commentary. ABC English A1 and A2 notes and marking criteria.

..::[ Environmental Systems ]::..
Environmental Systems notes Powerpoint slides.
Newark Academy's IB Environmental Syllabus and course outline.
Race Rocks IB Environmental Systems Syllabus and notes.
IB Environmental Systems Syllabus and projects.
KES IB Science: Environmental Systems Environmental Systems Syllabus and notes.
ABC: Environmental Systems Environmental Systems syllabus and notes.

..::[ Extended Essay ]::..
Biology Extended Essays Biology Extended Essays.
The Use of Microlensing to Find Dark Matter in the form of MACHOs HL Physics Extended Essay by Henry Seeto.
History Extended Essay Assessment Criteria History EE Assessment Criteria.
Chemistry Extended Essay Guidelines Chemistry EE Guidelines.
Extended Essay titles Extended Essay titles from a range of subjects.
EE Subject Guidelines Extended Essay individual subject guidelines.
The Extended Essay Subject specific guidelines.
IB Resources - Essays An IB student's TOK essay and Computer Science Extended Essay.
Ashbury College - Extended Essays Exemplary samples of past student extended essays. International School of Toulouse: Extended Essay Gallery of History Extended Essays completed by students.

..::[ Geography ]::..
IB Geography Syllabus IB Geography Syllabus (Word Document).
Revision Notes: IB Geography IB Geography Notes. Not complete.
IB Geography Notes Geography notes. Not complete.
Geography: IB Higher Notes Geography notes.

..::[ History ]::..
Revision Notes: IB History IB History Notes.
IB History History notes.
IB History Notes History notes.
The American School of Milan History course outline and notes.
History Notes at International School of Toulouse: IB History Gallery of History Internal assessments completed by students.

..::[ ITGS ]::..
FDR American School in Lima ITGS Syllabus notes, glossary, and definition of Command Terms.
Bali International School ITGS course outline and assessment criteria. Has some notes of social ethical issues.
Carey Baptist Grammar School ITGS Syllabs outline and assessment information.
Launceston College ITGS portfolio and project assessment information, case studies, and some basic concepts. Has some past questions.
ITGS at St Peter's College Examples of ITGS projects and marking guide.
ABC: ITGS IGTS syllabus and assessment info.

..::[ Mathematics ]::..
IB Maths by Adrian Sparrow Notes and sample questions on Math Studies, Math SL, and Math HL. Please note that the sample papers on sale on his site are not the IB exam papers. They are written by the owner of the website.
Maths Studies Syllabus Core Maths Studies Syllabus.
IB Maths Methods SL Syllabus IB Maths Methods SL Syllabus (pdf file).
IB Maths HL Syllabus IB Maths HL Syllabus, with links to sites with explanations.
IB Notes Notes for option topics: Analysis and Approximations, Vector Geometry, Proving Derivities from First Principles.
Abstract Algebra Online Abstract Algebra notes (Option topic). Learn Calculus online. Solving Integrals Solves your integrals for you. Solving Derivatives Solves your derivatives for you. Even shows you the steps.
IB Math resources IB Math resources.
Diana's Math HL Portfolio (zip file)
IB Math Studies Notes
IB Math SL Notes

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1

..::[ Philosophy ]::..
Philosophy Notes Philosophy notes.

..::[ Physics ]::..
ISM High School Physics Physics notes and syllabus.
The IB Physics Compendium 2002 Physics notes for HL course, including option topics. Also has part on TOK/Science.
IB Notes Physics notes for SL and HL, including option topics.
The Physics Homepage Physics notes, including some notes on practical work.
The Refrigerator Various Physics projects.
The Project Corner Ideas for physics projects. Including overview, directions, variables, tables etc.
Guide to writing a lab report How to write a lab report.
Physics data booklet IB Physics data booklet in html format.
[url="http://Diana's Physics HL Lab Reports (zip file)
IB Resources - Portfolios and Labs An IB Student's Physics labs and chemistry labs. Greengates School Physics Department IB Homepage Physics notes and syllabus details.

..::[ Psychology ]::..
Revision Notes: IB Psychology IB Psychology Notes.
IB Psychology Notes Psychology notes.
John Crane IB Psychology. Everything you need to get a 7 in psychology. Check out the section How to Review for your IB Examinations for some good tips.
TAS IB Psychology IB Psychology website with information about internal assessments. Includes guide to writing Psychology Internal Assessments (pdf file).

..::[ Theatre Arts ]::..
Theatre Arts at Pearson College Syllabus and Assessment Outline for Theatre Arts.

..::[ TOK ]::..
ToK Essays ToK Assessed Exemplars from the IBO.
TOK summary Aims, Objectives, Linking Questions.
Media Criticism TOK presentation topic: Media Ethics and bias.
TOK Prescribed Titles Essay titles for the November 2002 and May 2003 TOK essays.
TOK Prescribed Titles for November 2006 and May 2007 (pdf file)
TOK Prescribed Titles for November 2005 and May 2006 (pdf file) TOK Prescribed Titles
TOK Guide TOK notes and prescribed titles from 1994 - 2005.
Theory of Knowledge TOK notes.
KA ThoK-Notes TOK notes.
Theory of Knowledge TOK notes.
Notes TOK notes. More notes More TOK notes. Some more notes Some more TOK notes
Philosophy Games Some TOK related games. Check out Battleground God.
TOK Teacher's Links Page Extra reading.
Science and TOK Notes on Science and TOK.
IB TOK at the International School of Toulouse IB TOK notes.
How to write a good TOK essay Guide to writing a good TOK essay, includes TOK prescribed titles for 2004.
Diana's TOK Essay (doc file)
Diana's TOK Presentation (zip file) Presentation on Media Ethics.
TOK Essays at IB Resources - Essays An IB student's TOK essay and Computer Science Extended Essay.

..::[ Visual Arts ]::..
Visual Arts Student Guide Course Outline and Assessment Details.
IBO Virtual Gallery Selected work by IB students in art/design courses. ABC: Art Department Art syllabus and gallery of student work.

As I said above, this list has not been compiled by me. I just edited it and added some new links.
The original can be found:
However, it is outdated and contains many broken links.
Reply 2
someone's been busy :p:
thanks loads.
Reply 4
Thank you for updating this list, it has been most helpful.
Reply 5
woahh. this is great! :smile:
thanx :biggrin: i asked for it to be sticked :p:
Reply 7
Thanks :biggrin:
*makes mental note* must rep Deus :P
make another mental note, don't do so until you have a decent post count then it will count for something :p:
I'll rep Deus while you get that post count up!
yeah upping my post count is somethign i'm really struggling with at the moment :p:
lol. :biggrin: was talking to aimee...
lol my rep is equally worthless :frown:
*looks at red gem* sadly, that is correct...
you should do something really really nice so that people will rep you for it to get your points up!
Reply 14
*looks at red gem* sadly, that is correct...
you should do something really really nice so that people will rep you for it to get your points up!

*looks at my rep*

I cant remember doing something really nice for anyone :p:
yeah a jewel in the rough dan...thats what you are :p:
Reply 16
yeah a jewel in the rough dan...thats what you are :p:

They must know that I know you then :p:
yeah...hmm, how did you get so many gems?? *pouts* :p:
jewel in the rough. that just sounds so corny.
Reply 18
I'll rep Deus while you get that post count up!

*sighs* i could never get my post count up so high :frown:
sure you can you just have to believe, in having no social life few friends and an amazing desire to constantly procrastinate, ok the last one is true :p: