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from my experience, girls wouldnt go within 2 feet of a bloke supporting facial hair (unless he was extremely fit beforehand)
Reply 2
i love rugged stuble on guys if they can pull it off. full grown beards are just nasty.
there's loads of guys I know who look really good with facial hair. Depends on what type you're going for. Some beard thingies are really trendy and in now.
I don't like full-on beards very much at all. But a little bit of stubble can look cute and is good...but not when your kissing him.
Reply 5
I hate those little fancy designs - i just think the guy has too much time on his hands. I personally haven't used a razor in months now. I just opt for using my hair clippers every few days (think it's been about 4 now :p:) I hate the baby-face look.
Reply 6
stubble = ouch.
but it can be kind of sexy :biggrin:
Reply 7
I'm clean shaven about once a week, the rest of the time I trim.

I prefer shaved guys, but stubble can be soooooooo hot on thw right people, so not on the wrong people.
Reply 8
It didn't look good me having a I got rid of it...not going to try it again anytime soon!
clean shaven ftw. i cant stand beards and stubble isnt nice when kissing.
There are exceptions to every rule: I love beards!
I hate mine.
Reply 12
I'm with clean shaven here, though when my boyfriend has a tiny bit of stubble it does look sexy :wink: but damn it hurts to kiss him!
Reply 13
Well I'm gay and let me tell you kissing isn't the only thing that hurts with stubble :rolleyes:
Reply 14
i dunno wat to do with mine. i may just get rid of it and grow it again. The 'tash is doing my nut though :smile:
Keeps my face warm heheh :tongue:
I hate my beard, although my mates a bit envious of it being a goatee..
Reply 16
Short beard or stubble is good, not a full-on santa type though! :wink:
Reply 17
Short beard or stubble is good, not a full-on santa type though! :wink:

Agreed, the Captain Birds Eye look is not attractive!

It all depends on the shape of your face and how you trim it and so on. I know a few blokes who sport goatees, and one of them has long sideburns, which looks fab on him but would look really daft on the others. They're all suited to the facial hair they sport though.

And for the kissing, folks, here's a tip for kissing a bearded fella: Angle your face down, so you're going with the hair growth, rather than against it. That'll reduce your stubble rash! (Voice of experience, having gone out with a bearded bloke.)
Grow it long! :top:
Reply 19
Dr. Ben is teh secks with a beard. he came back from France all beardy *swoon*