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Reply 1
Err... much harder than intermediate.

Has anyone got a good resource for practising? I haven't bothered for 6 years, but for my last time I want to make sure I get into that BMO ^^
Reply 2
hehe im doing it on thursday too hehe got a good few papers to try so hopefully im set a hehe
Reply 3
whoever beats me gets rep.
Reply 4
If anyone beats me I will change my signature and avatar to anything they like for a number of days equal to the number of points they beat me by.
Reply 5
Yeah I'm doing it tomorrow as well - I find it impossible. Our school gave us all the papers from 2002 to 2004 (with solutions). I personally found these the hardest:
Reply 6
If anyone beats me I will change my signature and avatar to anything they like for a number of days equal to the number of points they beat me by.

lol. Shaun vs Simba vs Speleo

Reply 7
Why does Simba get to be in a huge font? He's not even in the thread :tongue:
Reply 8
lol Simba is incredible at Maths. (im told)

Oh you're much better than Shaun, Speleo. I should probably make ur font bigger.
Reply 9
mathsfight GO!
Woah people this thread's getting out of hand, everyone calm down :wink:

Other than the one paper on the official website (which doesn't even have a amrk sceme, where could I get papers with mark schemes?

And what are the mark boundaries for each certificate? (Out of 100)
Reply 11
Hmmmmmm I just realised I was supposed to do this today... oops.
Right well I'm blaming my performance today on my food poisoning. I definitely got 17 questions right which gives me 93 points and most probably a gold certificate but I found it too timeconsuming and couldn't even look at the last 5 questions. I missed out the squares question (Q3) and the sin cos (Q16) and even though I spent 15 mins doing the working for the trapezium question (17) and thought it was right, it wasn't. Btw did anyone get 200 for the london eye question? I just went with the closest choice to 200 which was 100 but something must have gone wrong there.
Reply 13
106 :/

Protip: read the questions properly D:
Would anyone like to share their solution to the one about the five dots and three colours, where no two adjacent dots can be the same colour. I found that one quite annoying.
I put 500 for the one about the london eye. I'm not very confident though.
For the 5 dots and 3 colours one I got 48. I also got 500 for the london eye question. Fingers crossed peeps!
Reply 17
you are right about the london eye...

start at the centre, the one in the bottom right must be a differnet colour. Keep these two colours fixed.

There are 2 combinations in which the centre colour is in both top right and bottom left (with the other 2 colours top left making up the 2 different combinations.)

There are 2 combinations in which the third colour is in top right and bottom left(with the other 2 colours again in the top left making up 2 different combinations.)

There are 2 combinations with the bottom right colour in the top left. (With the central and third colour swapping places in the top right and bottom left)

This gives 6 combinations.

There are 6 different ways of arranging the first two circles.

Reply 18
What about Q20? I worked it through and 0.3 fell out. I'm not very confident though.

EDIT:hmmm after working through again, it appears 0.7 is the actual answer. Oh well
Reply 19