The Student Room Group

Bumpy hair

I've got really bumpy hair, especially at the top near the scalp. its only recently been like this and i don't know why.....really bumpy like ridgedy...kinda like pubic hair but not as bad. I'm a girl btw and its really making me feel down! i'm always touching my ahri now....feeling the individual strands and when i feel a bumpy strand i pull it out! which probably makes it worse because now i have little short hairs growing! the bumpy hairs are really thick too :confused:

anyone know?

Reply 1
Conditioner/Professional Hair Stylist/Industrial Steam Roller are your friends.
definitly stop pulling the hairs out
Reply 3
Would trying to straighen it fix the problem? :smile:
Reply 4
Did u manage to stop pulling the hairs out, or do u now have trichotillomania. It can lead to that, so never pull them out.
Reply 5
This is exactly the same thing that happened to me, i started pulling it out at the parting untill it was really noticeable a few years ago.
I find a single 'bumpy' strand, pull it out and then scrape the bumps off. If i find a bumpy stand i cannot not pull it out and a get a sense of relief when i scrape the bumps off, it's feels almost like an obsession or addiction. I can't stop, it's called trichotillomania like an above poster said, you can go to the doctors and get cognitive behavioural therapy for it. I haven't though, I find keeping your hands busy helps.

Good luck with stopping, it's hard :frown:

Also i forgot to mention, it's classed an an anxiety disorder, it's normally triggered by anxiety, mine started at exam time for example.
Reply 6
Hi Lucy May
I feel for you and anyone who has it. Yes it is hard to stop.. 'extremely' All I can say is, if it really takes hold of you, it ruins alot of your life. I have tried prescription drugs, behavioural therapy and many other things, it never worked, not to say it wouldn't for anybody else, just didn't for me. Yes it is classed as a anxiety disorder and OCD obsessive compulsive disorder. To me its an addiction, like alot of smokers- they want to stop but can't. Mine wasn't triggered by anxiety but just feeling some hair strands that felt unusual (kinky/bumpy) I pulled them out to look at them, there was no pain and it felt good getting them out. Thats how it started, little did I know what a nightmare it would become. I just couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. I have now had it for 20 years. But.. because of God I know I can stop, I have had my focus on Jesus, praying and reading the Word alot and I haven't done it for 3 months now, thats the longest time I have gone without doing it in 20 years. 3 months may not seem long but I feel different than before, alot more stronger, just different and I know it's because of Gods Spirit, with Him Nothings impossible. So to those of you who are hurting and can't stop, go to Him, it'll be the best decision you've ever made in your life. Not only do I believe He can heal you of anything, He also will give eternal life to those who believe Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. Just ask Him into your heart and watch what happens.