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Reply 1
Im a male 17 years old. i usually masturbate 2-3 times a day but its not like im a pervert or anything i mean i usually dont use porn(usually fantasize about my girl) & i jus wanted to know if its ok or am i doing any damage to my body!

Well, seeing as it's you; yes. Yes, you are.
Reply 2
Masturbation is perfectly healthy. It even decreases the risk of prostate cancer. So not only is it good for you in that sense, you're also burning off calories!
Reply 3
It's not yourself you're hurting...

Reply 4
2-3 times a day is a bit much don't you think?
"3 is a bit much" (quote from boyfriend). although you must have good sexual stamina when it comes to actually doing it with a girl? i'd be scared i'd lose feeling or something or become reliant on manual stimulation to cum
Reply 6
don't worry about it, the five knuckle shuffle is normal frequent activity for a 17 yo guy. 2-3 does seem a lot, but no harms gonna come out of it. as long as you dont put too much strain on your arm
Reply 7
I do it if I don't get any sex that day but hardly ever more than once.. I don't get the whole stamina thing though. I've had sex 8 times in 3 hours before and didn't find it particularly hard?
Reply 8
I do it if I don't get any sex that day but hardly ever more than once.. I don't get the whole stamina thing though. I've had sex 8 times in 3 hours before and didn't find it particularly hard?

you clearly dont understand stamina...the idea is that each individual sex session will last for a greater period of time, hence you would technically have less sex in an alloted time period, but more time having sex - ask your girlfriend, she'd prefer that.
Reply 9
I do it if I don't get any sex that day but hardly ever more than once.. I don't get the whole stamina thing though. I've had sex 8 times in 3 hours before and didn't find it particularly hard?

Do you cum really quickly then? That seems a lot for 3 hours...
Reply 10
a fire in the sky
you clearly dont understand stamina...the idea is that each individual sex session will last for a greater period of time, hence you would technically have less sex in an alloted time period, but more time having sex - ask your girlfriend, she'd prefer that.

God, not again!

Apparently a good sex session should last no less than half an hour. 15 mins of foreplay/15 mins of sex. Otherwise she'll be left unsatisfied.
Reply 12
im happy at once most days, but meh the worst that might happen is u go blind :wink: nah the worst that might happen is running on empty the third time round.
Reply 13
God, not again!

Apparently a good sex session should last no less than half an hour. 15 mins of foreplay/15 mins of sex. Otherwise she'll be left unsatisfied.

yeah but you cant cum then have sex again straight away it needs to recover. So if he had 8 sex sessions in 3 hours his sex obviously didnt last 30 minutes. Thats all I am saying :smile:
Reply 14
Masturbation is perfectly normal...

im happy at once most days, but meh the worst that might happen is u go blind :wink: nah the worst that might happen is running on empty the third time round.

and you wont go blind..
Reply 15
a fire in the sky
you clearly dont understand stamina...the idea is that each individual sex session will last for a greater period of time, hence you would technically have less sex in an alloted time period, but more time having sex - ask your girlfriend, she'd prefer that.

Where stamina basically means to keep on going I'm pretty sure it means physically (the actual action) rather than being able to hold it in. Thankfully I have the seemingly rare ability to cum when I'm ready rather than anything else. Maybe I'm just weird? First times are meant to last 2 minutes. Mine was easily 30 and yes I enjoyed it, no I wasn't particularly nervous. She's a little experience from both sides of the pitch and does think I have quite strange abilities. Suits me fine :wink:

You may also find that plenty of women like it hard, fast and quick, over and over every now and then. Surely the same everytime will make anybody bored?

She still whines. Does anything ever please a woman? :biggrin:
Reply 16
Thats very fortunate for you - I find that I enjoy a nice blend of being able to hold it in for a significant period and also be spontaneous.

I think in relation to masturbation stamina would be a term relating to how long you can hold it in rather than cardiovascularly, since as far as exercise goes it is hardly the most strenuous.

And, yes - thanks for giving me a lecture on sexual technique...I have a fantastic girlfriend who doesn't whine, so perhaps that places me in a better position to comment :wink:
Reply 17
a fire in the sky
Thats very fortunate for you - I find that I enjoy a nice blend of being able to hold it in for a significant period and also be spontaneous.

I think in relation to masturbation stamina would be a term relating to how long you can hold it in rather than cardiovascularly, since as far as exercise goes it is hardly the most strenuous.

And, yes - thanks for giving me a lecture on sexual technique...I have a fantastic girlfriend who doesn't whine, so perhaps that places me in a better position to comment :wink:

Veru true, I completely forgot we were talking about masturbation here. I bet there are some who have stamina problems with their hands though. :wink:

Touche, but whining, as we all know is the one thing all women have in common. It's naturally built in. :biggrin:
Reply 18
I'd disagree...I think when you find someone who is perfect you either dont get whined at as there is no reason to do so, or you care so much that what may have previously been conceived as a whinge is infact a genuine concern to you - so wait and see if your position is vindicated in the long term.

And, yea - I wouldn't use that definition of stamina for anything but masturbation :wink:
Do you have any sexual energy left for her?