The Student Room Group

ASDA induction

I went for an interview at ASDA and got a phone call the next day to say I have the Job!!

Is it normal for them to contact you the next day? They said 72 hours!! :confused:

Anyway i was told that i will have to go and collect some sort of pack from the customer service desk! I was so shocked that i was contacted so quickly that i hardly took in what i was being told!!

Does anyone know the proper name so i don't make a total nugget of myself when i ask for it? I think it was the welcome pack offer or something like that not 100% sure :confused: ! Does anyone Know what it consists of? (i want to know now i am nosey) I persumed it would be my uniform as i was told to collect it before my induction!! I hate it when people talk so fast and don't explain things properly!!! :mad:

Does anyone know what the ASDA induction is like? I know it will be ok but i just want to know what will happen now (i hate the unknown).

Thank you X
Reply 1
It won't be your uniform. Just go to the CSD, state your name and ask if they have your Welcome Pack, which will be information about the company and company policy I imagine. ASDA Induction is, last I knew, a 2 days thing, where they give you some basic customer service training, show you around the store, give you your swipe in cards etc etc.
Reply 2
Alex Mann
It won't be your uniform. Just go to the CSD, state your name and ask if they have your Welcome Pack, which will be information about the company and company policy I imagine. ASDA Induction is, last I knew, a 2 days thing, where they give you some basic customer service training, show you around the store, give you your swipe in cards etc etc.

Thank you again :biggrin:

So when do you get your uniform then? It is just that i put down reg length for the trousers and i think i should have put down long, (i worry about the stupedest things i know) but i was told that reg is the longest they have is that right? I have to know for my sanity, i can just imagine them being half way up my leg (i always imagine the worst) as i am quite tall (5ft 7in). Could i just wear plain black trousers that i already have if they don't fit or is it essential you wear their ones that they give you? Surely not.
Reply 3
5ft 7 is not tall, regular will be fine. Every store is different so I cannot say, I guess it may be your uniform, who knows.
Reply 4
I have an Asda Induction tomorrow. I am not sure if I need to bring anything to it. they phoned me to come tomorrow, but I have not received any emails.