Hello, I'm the first EBer on here I think (I do the European Baccalaureate).
Okay basically, we do around 10 subjects
1. compulsory 1st language (for me english, can be any language of the european union including super random ones

) 3hours a week, can take advanced course which is 6 hours a week
2. compulsory 1st foreign language (must be french, english or german) 3hours a week
3. compulsory (atleast) one science subject, there is a 'easy' biology course for those who are non scientifically inclned whih is 1.5hours a week and 'advanced' science courses which are 3 hours a week.
4. Geography: taught in second language, 1.5hours a week compulsory, can take advanced 3hour option
5. History, taught in second language, 1.5hours a week compulsory, can take advanced 3hour option
6. Maths- compulsory aswell, theres a '3 hour', '5hour' and '8 hour' option correlating roughly to AS, A, and Further A levels in maths.
7. Complusory religion- 45 minutes a week
8. Compulsory gym- 1.5hours a week

9. Compulsory philosophy 1.5hors a week, or 3 hour advanced option
10. Optional subjects, these can be 'advanced courses' in philosophy, sciences, history, geography, 2nd foreign language, third foreighn language, economics and so on. Everyone muct take at least 2 'advanced subjects' not including maths and english. In reality most people do three or four as there is a inimum liit on the number of hours we have.
11. Complimenatry subjects- if you have 2 advanced subjects you can take these to make up hours. They include sociology, elemerntaery economics, beginner language courses, and 'lab sciences' (one for bio, chem and phys). They are generally 1.5 hours per week and cannot be taken as exams in the bac.
12. For some reason advanced english, maths and 1st foreign languages are treated differentlty to other advaned subjects so they form a new category.
We take 9 exams- 5 writtens and 4 orals.
Written examinations (worth 35% of bac) are compulsory in Maths, 1st language and 1st foreign language. The other two writtens must be optional subjects (mentioned in point 10).
Oral examinations (worth 25% of bac) are compulsory in 1st language, 1st foreign language and one of history or geography. Those taking '8 hour maths' must also do a maths oral. The other oral (if not a mathmo) can be any 4 or 1.5 hour subject (excluding complimenatry subjects).
25% of bac is our 'pre bacs' which are exams we sit in January in all subjects.
15% of our bac is our 'effort marks', which is basically how much a teacher likes us
Our overall mark is a overall percentage. Below 60% is a failure, and anyone whogets below this ov average will not recieve their bac at all and be forced to repeat the year.
Well this is really confusing I'm sure, but I've tried to explain it! Anymore questions just ask!