The Student Room Group

A-Level Sociology Revision Materials

I’m in the process of creating some revision materials for A-level Sociology and would be interested in any feedback from students and teachers (good, bad or indeed indifferent).

They’re free to download and, at the moment, they include:

AS Sociology

Introduction to Perspectives
Research Methods
Mass Media (only ownership and control at present)

A2 Sociology

Power and Politics (always a popular option at A2 :mad: )

You can get them while they’re still hot from:

You can find them under AS Sociology [AQA] and A2 Sociology [AQA]

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"Mass Media and Ideology" AS revision materials now available (and they're still free...).
Reply 2
Revision materials for Sociology can also be found at the following url
Reply 3
Mass Media (only ownership and control at present)

A2 Sociology

Power and Politics (always a popular option at A2 :mad: )

You can get them while they’re still hot from:

WOO!! Never thought I'd be able to find some proper P&P revision stuff!! But I didn't think P&P was a popular option for Module 4? (most people do Religion)

Actually does that mean that we might get examiners who know loads about Religion but know ***** all about Power and Politics marking our exams? (Probably more relevant to do those doing World Sociology but still..)
Reply 4
You might also appreciate the following
WOO!! Never thought I'd be able to find some proper P&P revision stuff!! But I didn't think P&P was a popular option for Module 4? (most people do Religion)

In descending order of popularity:

Power and Politics
World Sociology

Whether this is choice of teachers or students I don't know - but I suspect that students who are really keen on Politics do the appropriate A-level?

Actually does that mean that we might get examiners who know loads about Religion but know ***** all about Power and Politics marking our exams? (Probably more relevant to do those doing World Sociology but still..)

Unfortunately no. A2 examiners, for whatever option, will generally know their stuff (so inventing ground-breaking research studies allegedly conducted in Peru by someone no-one's ever heard of probably won't work...).

If we're talking about AS examiners, however, those ground-breaking studies etc. are probably worth a punt...
Have added an online version of revision material for sociological perspectives (strictly AS...) just to see what it would look like:
Reply 7
Ooo, I'll check them out. Though would be greatly appreciated if you did some World Sociology stuff. Thanks!
Reply 8
I would definitely use these, seeing as I have precious little lesson time for the subject :smile:
Reply 9
Hey, when are the Power and Politics notes gonna be on the website? coz my teacher i have for that topic has been away for the past 4 weeks and i really need to do some work
when are the Power and Politics notes gonna be on the website

They've been available (to download and print) for a few months at - you can find them under the A2 Sociology for AQA menu option.

Remember, these are revision notes - designed to help you identify and organise key ideas, not teach you the Spec. if your teacher hasn't done so.
They've been available (to download and print) for a few months at - you can find them under the A2 Sociology for AQA menu option.

Remember, these are revision notes - designed to help you identify and organise key ideas, not teach you the Spec. if your teacher hasn't done so.

Though would be greatly appreciated if you did some World Sociology stuff

It's on my "to do" list (but I wouldn't hold your breath - World Sociology isn't the most popular A2 choice so producing materials for it isn't the highest priority - it was bad enough having to write a chapter on it recently).

If you're finding it difficult to find World Soc. materials Mark Peace's site ( is one of the best sources around. Some material is free but you're supposed to subscribe I think - although if you ask very nicely he seems to give subscriptions away to people on these Boards - at least he did last year, times might be harder this year, but it's worth a try :smile:
Reply 13
It's on my "to do" list (but I wouldn't hold your breath - World Sociology isn't the most popular A2 choice so producing materials for it isn't the highest priority - it was bad enough having to write a chapter on it recently).

If you're finding it difficult to find World Soc. materials Mark Peace's site ( is one of the best sources around. Some material is free but you're supposed to subscribe I think - although if you ask very nicely he seems to give subscriptions away to people on these Boards - at least he did last year, times might be harder this year, but it's worth a try :smile:

Thanks for the promo. I will generally give freebies to anyone who asks - just PM me. There's not much in terms of revision materials (its mainly full-detail texts) - but the booster readings may be useful for this purpose.
Just to let those Forum Fans who like to keep abreast of what's hot and what's...errm...quite warm, know:

Media Selection and Presentation now available from the "usual suspects" URL (otherwise known as:
An opportunity to say that "Media and Representation" is nearly ready or a shameless attempt to bump this back to the top of the pile in the hope of displacing the ever-growing number of desperate politics students?

You choose.
You decide.
Well, Media and Representation has duly arrived.

Find it at:

PS. Is anyone using the materials? If so, any thoughts would be appreciated...
I'll take that as a "no" then...

Still, the final Media pack (Audiences) should be along quite soon (if you interpret "quite soon" as meaning anytime over the next few months).
Reply 18
Have you got anything for Crime and Deviance?

I am really struggling with it!

I haven't used any of your materials as we didn't do any of the topics!
Haven't got anything on crime and deviance that's in the Revision format, I'm afraid.

Putting that together is beginning to look as though it's going to happen (if it happens...) a long way down the line - the new A-level Specifications are about to be published and I've got to start to get my head around producing material for the new AS at least.

PS. What part of crime and deviance are you struggling with?