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What team do you support and why?

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Man utd-loved rio ferdinand when i was younger aswell as becks...grew up on those stars and wanted to be different from my chelsea supporting dad...
Reply 21
I've never supported a club in my life. It just doesn't occur to me as to how people form bonds to these clubs.
Reply 22
Original post by Wilfred Little
Aston Villa. They have lovely kit colours, and I wanted to follow an EPL 1 team not EPL 2 or 3.

Reply 23
Sheffield Wednesday, cos I'm from Sheffield and me family have always supported Wednesday. Although this season Hillsborough's been a tough place to go- considered 'losing' me season ticket every now and again, but me loyalty draws me to the ground every other week :smile:

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Reply 24
Original post by Wilfred Little
Aston Villa. They have lovely kit colours, and I wanted to follow an EPL 1 team not EPL 2 or 3.

There's no such thing as the Premier League 2 and 3...

Posted from TSR Mobile
Sheffield Owls FC play in EPL 2 right?
Crystal Palace. Dad was born there, and used to live on the same road as the stadium. My Nan also still lives 15 minutes walk from the ground.
I used to live nearer to Fulham and Brentford though.
Original post by Luhar
A long suffering QPR supporter - for no other reason than it's my local team.

Where abouts?

Went to school not far from Bush, we used to get free tickets(worth about a fiver tbf) for games back in the day. Good scheme, know 3 guys who are going week in week out to this day probably for that

Very fond of QPR really
(edited 10 years ago)
Liverpool. I used to watch their matches on the TV with my dad (we'd even wear matching Liverpool shirts) and, y'know.. Monkey see, monkey do. I've supported Liverpool my whole life.
Original post by flibber
I've never supported a club in my life. It just doesn't occur to me as to how people form bonds to these clubs.

This tbh, I understand supporting your town/Cities team (clearly if they have multiple teams then more complex) but seemingly picking a team in a random city because...they're premiere league and good (for most) and then acting like you're in love with them...alien to me.

I bet on sports, so enjoy the stats and watching as a neutral. I'll admit to slightly enjoying Chelsea games more but only because....

A) They've made the money this season. ::wink:

B) I like Mourinho as a manager, his press conferences and interviews are hilarious at times, either trolling or taking no **** questions.

C) My Dad supports them, albeit I didn't even know that until recently.
Reply 30
Original post by Zürich
Where abouts?

Went to school not far from Bush, we used to get free tickets(worth about a fiver tbf) for games back in the day. Good scheme, know 3 guys who are going week in week out to this day probably for that

Very fond of QPR really

I was born in Acton, but I've moved a bit further away now.
Reply 31
Manchester United...because, umm, I was brought up watching them :tongue:
Manchester united, started supporting them in primary school after a mate got me into football.
Brb looking at score on teletext
Brb collecting of match of the day posters, I used to have a massive alan smith and rvn and ronaldo posters xD.
Reply 33
Original post by Wilfred Little
Sheffield Owls FC play in EPL 2 right?

We're Sheffield Wednesday, not Sheffield Owls, the Owls is our nickname. And we play in the Championship, not the English Premier League 2, cos that league doesn't exist

Posted from TSR Mobile
(edited 10 years ago)
Reply 34
Yeh, this weekend they match up against Brighton Seagulls at the Hillsborough SoccerDome.

Coach Gray will be looking for all three ballgame points in order to stay one step ahead of their franchise rivals, Birmingham Blues. With over 20,000 sports fans expected, the bleachers will be rammed with the blue and white of the play off chasing Owls.


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Reply 35
Original post by flibber
I've never supported a club in my life. It just doesn't occur to me as to how people form bonds to these clubs.

It's strange really. I look at it as a club is usually passed down through families, like a changing of the guard, generation by generation, so a club can sort of come to represent a family. And through going to the games week in week out from being a child to a old man, it becomes part of your life, to the point we're your happy or sad depending on how the teams doing. Being there and getting behind the team makes you feel part of the team. Football is basically a religion (ground is church, chants are hymns etc.) which is why it pisses me off when people support teams like Man U rather than the team their family passed down to them (there's one in this thread that his family supported Arsenal, a big club themselves, but he is a Man U 'fan' cos Man U beat Arsenal) I agree with you in that I can't understand how Man U 'supporting' cockneys who've never seen Old Trafford in their lives can form an attachment to a club they can't even be arsed to go and support

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Bradford City. I was born there, I watch the premier league but didn't see the point in supporting any team because I didn't feel much connection from the TV. However when I went down to bradford despite us being in a lower league I still enjoyed the atmosphere and the football. Been a city fan ever since I was 14 and we've had some great ups and downs. Away days are the best. I just don't understand hardcore chelsea and other big team fans who live up here and never make the effort to go to the matches despite being able to.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 37
Original post by IMBCFC
Bradford City. I was born there, I watch the premier league but didn't see the point in supporting any team because I didn't feel much connection from the TV. However when I went down to bradford despite us being in a lower league I still enjoyed the atmosphere and the football. Been a city fan ever since I was 14 and we've had some great ups and downs. Away days are the best. I just don't understand hardcore chelsea and other big team fans who live up here and never make the effort to go to the matches despite being able to.

Posted from TSR Mobile

Their not proper fans, just glory hunters

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Liverpool because supporting them runs in the family :smile:
Reply 39
Original post by IMBCFC
Bradford City. I was born there, I watch the premier league but didn't see the point in supporting any team because I didn't feel much connection from the TV. However when I went down to bradford despite us being in a lower league I still enjoyed the atmosphere and the football. Been a city fan ever since I was 14 and we've had some great ups and downs. Away days are the best. I just don't understand hardcore chelsea and other big team fans who live up here and never make the effort to go to the matches despite being able to.

Posted from TSR Mobile

True fans would truly feel sad at not being able to go to matches. I'm hopefully going away to uni in a couple of years and, aside from not being away from home and friends and family, I'm really sad about having to give up Wednesday matches, and that's even with going whenever I can

Posted from TSR Mobile

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