The Student Room Group

addicted to shoplifting??

I know this is goin to make me sound like a terrible person.. but i think i think im addicted to shoplifting?? (is that possable)?? whenever i go into a shop i feel the need to take something without payin for it even if i have money! :frown: it started off with little thing but now i have no problem takin big expensive thing:frown: it makes me feel reallyyyy crapp, cus i know i can pay for them...
what can I do?? :frown:
Turn yourself in to the cops, ok on a seriously note you need to seriously resist the temptation to steal things, maybe it is giving you a buzz and a thrill but one of these days it is going to catch you out. I would advice to seek some form of help before it's too late and you get a crimminal record.
Reply 2
Turn yourself in to the cops, ok on a seriously note you need to seriously resist the temptation to steal things, maybe it is giving you a buzz and a thrill but one of these days it is going to catch you out. I would advice to seek some form of help before it's too late and you get a crimminal record.

lmao, I doubt the average bit of stealing will get you a record. xD

Perhaps a caution.
It's still goes on your record that you were done for shoplifting.
I know this is goin to make me sound like a terrible person.. but i think i think im addicted to shoplifting?? (is that possable)?? whenever i go into a shop i feel the need to take something without payin for it even if i have money! :frown: it started off with little thing but now i have no problem takin big expensive thing:frown: it makes me feel reallyyyy crapp, cus i know i can pay for them...
what can I do?? :frown:

I went through this myself, and it went on for about a year until I got caught by a shop assistant. I stopped doing it immediately after that, got myself some counselling and have been 'clean' for a year :smile:

It is really difficult to face up to and yes it can be an addiction. It's the buzz of defeating the machines and security guards and the thrill of getting something for nothing, but believe me you'll feel so much better if you stop. Your uni or school will have a counselling service of some kind. I advise you to seek their help.
It's called kleptomania. Either see a pyschiatrist (sp?) or just develop a REALLY strong will.
Reply 7

winona :love:
Reply 8
Enjoy the freebies so long as you don't get caught.
its not worth it in the long run i mean anything on your criminal record any cautions etc can instanlty make you unemployable or much less likely to be employed. don't go in the shops that tempt you, buy off the internet, remove the temptation and you can't do it :p:
Reply 10
thanks whoever reported me. i will be nice then even though i disagree with the situation. here is my thoughts again after it was deleted 'the shop increase their prices due to shoplifting, remember your friends will have to pay more too!'. ring samaritans or something.
Original post by Sithius
lmao, I doubt the average bit of stealing will get you a record. xD

Perhaps a caution.

Umm actually I just got a criminal record for stealing. And I only stole a bit of makeup which cost around 20$/30$... And it was my very first offence. So you shouldn't doubt it! No matter if you steal a 1$ bar or a $5000 item, you'l get charged the same charge "theft under 5000$". Everybody always gets caught eventually... And it sucks!
Original post by Sithius
lmao, I doubt the average bit of stealing will get you a record. xD

Perhaps a caution.

Cautions show up on DBS checks so can damage your chances of gaining certain forms of employment. There are not going to be many places who trust a thief.

The OP needs to seek help from a professional. Short term only go shopping with friends who can persuade you not to do such things.