Think about the horizontal numbers, i.e call the first one n then along the top row you would have n+1,n+2 etc
find a formula in terms of n for the top left number times the top right.
Then look at the bottom number when you have a normal t, can you find a fomula for that in terms of n? this will vary on grid sizes obviously, but use a 9x9 to get the hang of it.
Now if you take one from the other, it will give you a formula for t in terms of n which is the top left hand number.
Try this again with different grid sizes to get the rule and call that w or what ever, now put that into your formula to find t.
Then extend the t downwards, again find the relationship between the first number in the t and the very bottom. Now find an equation for t like you did before, what is different about the two equations? Is there a number in one that is different to another? find what has happened to the first equation to get the second, then generalise.
Sorry if that isn't how you approached the coursework, i seem to remember doing mine that way, then for a* it moves onto rotation. good luck!