I know this may seem like a cry for attention but it's not what I intend. I just need somewhere to moan & get some feedback. I've posted a similar thread before I was hurt by some of the people who were offensive. If you're going to be like that, don't post please. It just makes me feel even more crapper!
Basically, I'm going through one of these phases where I feel ever so lonely. I'm at Uni in my 2nd year & I've not made any close friends at all. I'm confident around people I know or act friendly towards me, but the majority of the time I feel that people just don't want to know me/don't care so I'm just..... shy. I've been like it all my life really. Through school I had the same problem only I had close friends to turn to & although it used to upset me, at least I had friends who could cheer me up. Now, I've moved to Uni & unfortnatly am only in brief contact with 3 of my friends back home. My best friend has moved on & I'm fed up of sending the occassional text only for her not to reply. I know people move on but it seems so harsh. So I feel like I've lost my only friends. I have a boyfriend who I live with & I feel like I am relying on him so much. Because I don't have any proper friends, we do everything together & as much as I love him, I'd like to have friends that I can go out with & have a laugh.
I literally feel like I have no friends. My housemate doesn't bother with me, she's either with her boyfriend or out with her mates who don't make me feel welcome. I am literally in all the time & it depresses me. I wanted to go shopping tonight but I have no one to go with & hate going on my own. It sucks.
So yeah, just wanted some advice really. I know the usual response is to join a society, but there are literally none that interest me in the slightest (my uni is a bit crap & only has a few going). I've tried the whole get to know people better & it hasn't worked. I just get that unwelcome vibe off them. I'm so jeleous of these people that have come to Uni & made loads of friends.
I know its me. I know I'm a loner. I hate it.