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how to attract less black guys?

here are like 10% black people so this really shouldn't be a problem. I get a lot of black Guys that always find me attractive. And this is why I'm weary because it's like the same episode over and over. The thing is I really am not attracted to black men. Like there's nothing there. I am of somali/gulf descent. I tend to prefer guys of other races like I like white guys when they look perfect. But I tend to like guys of North african middle eastern sometimes Southern European south asian etc descent. Theoretically I am attracted to black guys of my own background but the only guys I have known of a similar ethnic background arent my type because they're too old. At work I saw this guy I think is ethiopian that I actually like. I think that's actually mutual. But he doesn't speak English. Well not a lot at least. We talked once while waiting for the bus he was really nice even offered his jacket and always smiles and says hello. We don't work together just in the same building. We have lots of Ethiopians here. But none of them really speak English well enough to conversate plus most of them look like typical west Africans. I can't tell until they start talking usually. But the particular Ethiopian guy I like doesn't look west african though. The thing is that like I have always had west african guys that seemed to fancy me. It's like the wrong attention. Because I am so not attracted to them. At work I have 3 black guys that like me it seems this way with pretty much most of the black guys I've encountered and like I've always noticed other guys just seem to act less open about that which I appreciate. There's almost like this understanding from other black men as if because I'm black that there's a sense of viability. I just want to know what I can do to lessen this? So it's understood im not possibly available simply because my skin is brown.
(edited 9 years ago)

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Make yourself less attractive?? No but seriously you can't just ask questions like this lol... Just tell them you're not interested when they approach you, it's no big deal.
Reply 2
Original post by Stephaniecamille
Make yourself less attractive?? No but seriously you can't just ask questions like this lol... Just tell them you're not interested when they approach you, it's no big deal.

It's just the fact that I always attract the wrong type of guys. I'm 21 and pretty much I don't want to be forever alone. This just seems to be the trend and I don't want it to continue.
Original post by Justadude14
It's just the fact that I always attract the wrong type of guys. I'm 21 and pretty much I don't want to be forever alone. This just seems to be the trend and I don't want it to continue.

What I'll do if I was in your position would be to change scenes.. Maybe be in a situation where you're bound to meet different kind of people eg a club or something. But tbh not all black guys are the same.. No one is the same, you never know you might meet someone who is completely different.. If not then I say change scenes or travel and meet more people.
Are you really Somali? Because i'm sceptical. Anyway, why would you come on a predominately white forum to complain about black guys hitting on you? :rolleyes: But whatever.

Are you a girl or a guy? Just say no i'm not interested & keep it moving. Why make a big dance about it, it's not that difficult. It's like you've never been hit on before jheez.
Original post by Justadude14
But he doesn't speak English. We have lots of Ethiopians here. But none of them really speak English well enough to conversate


Beautifully ironic paragraph, that.

Posted from TSR Mobile
You cannot. Reject and move on. Reject and move on.
Reply 8
If you're Somali I can assure you that you don't need help attracting less black guys


Original post by Yawn11
If you're Somali I can assure you that you don't need help attracting less black guys


Yeah I'm skinny and Pettit with a small butt I don't get what it is. I wish black guys would like their own women but instead they make fun of their own women then expect other women to like them. Maybe that'll work for other people. But personally Im not up for that.

I like guys that look like me yet it's rare to find around here it just sucks.
Get a white boyfreind, who doesn't care for them getting to friendly with you :wink:

Yeah white guys I like have a similarity to perfection. So it's hard to find sometimes.
Original post by SophiaLDN
Are you really Somali? Because i'm sceptical. Anyway, why would you come on a predominately white forum to complain about black guys hitting on you? :rolleyes: But whatever.

Are you a girl or a guy? Just say no i'm not interested & keep it moving. Why make a big dance about it, it's not that difficult. It's like you've never been hit on before jheez.

My sex is female.
And it's skeptical.

My heritage is somali/gulf.

No I'm just always disappointed I want to attract guys that I'm actually attracted to.
Original post by Stephaniecamille
What I'll do if I was in your position would be to change scenes.. Maybe be in a situation where you're bound to meet different kind of people eg a club or something. But tbh not all black guys are the same.. No one is the same, you never know you might meet someone who is completely different.. If not then I say change scenes or travel and meet more people.

I guess that's what I have to do. But I have another question which is going to come off lame probably.
'Perfection', you mean you like German boys? :wink:

I like Dutch guys Since they're the tallest of men. But German is alright.
Original post by Justadude14

No I'm just always disappointed I want to attract guys that I'm actually attracted to.

You cannot choose who is attracted to you.

Imagine if One direction thought like you did or Drake or something.

I'm attracted to Megan Fox. Doesn't mean that I will attract her if I met her.
Original post by SophiaLDN
Are you really Somali? Because i'm sceptical. Anyway, why would you come on a predominately white forum to complain about black guys hitting on you? :rolleyes: But whatever.

Are you a girl or a guy? Just say no i'm not interested & keep it moving. Why make a big dance about it, it's not that difficult. It's like you've never been hit on before jheez.

Ku dhac :rofl:
Reply 17
You sound conceited as hell. You should be flattered that people are even attracted to you who cares what race they are.
Original post by Dirtybit
You cannot choose who is attracted to you.

Imagine if One direction thought like you did or Drake or something.

I'm attracted to Megan Fox. Doesn't mean that I will attract her if I met her.

The thing is I do attract guys that I like but it's like they approach with caution or expect me not to like them back. And I don't really get why?
So do you like Anglo-Saxon looking English boys?

Statistically all the men you just mentioned tend to be on the taller side. Which is a plus.