The Student Room Group

Roxy or Billabong?!

For the Aussie chickababes (or any UK surfie clothing fans too :redface:)

Personally I'm a huge Roxy fan, currently saving up for an awesome pair of back-printed Roxy jeans I saw the other day in SP - I know it's wrong, and should be concerned with a great deal many other more important things, but Roxy is just so cool. I used to be more of a Quiksilver/Billabong gal, but I'm thinking things have changed, even if ever so slightly.

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Reply 1
For the Aussie chickababes (or any UK surfie clothing fans too :redface:)

Personally I'm a huge Roxy fan, currently saving up for an awesome pair of back-printed Roxy jeans I saw the other day in SP - I know it's wrong, and should be concerned with a great deal many other more important things, but Roxy is just so cool. I used to be more of a Quiksilver/Billabong gal, but I'm thinking things have changed, even if ever so slightly.

Is roxy not the female version of quiksilver? Personally I prefer quiksilver to billabong, quiksilver are definately going alot more 'mainstream' in terms of fashion and I really like their new stuff. Check out my new boardies! Amazing!
Reply 2
I kinda guessed Roxy was the girly version of one of those brands, but being a city (not coastal, altho that'll change as soon as I'm finished uni) person I wasn't sure which one. But thanks for that, will save me from a verbal bashing from my coastal cousins. ROXY ROCKS, and yes I agree, Quiksilver is way better than Billabong, altho here in Oz the latter brand is desperately trying to recieve more publicity by getting actors on 'Home & Away' etc to wear their gear... not working that well, I guess.

I didn't realise you got our stuff up in the UK (and BTW, what on earth are you doing up at 4am??? At least it's one here), cos my friend Debs who's family moved to some isolated region of Scotland a few years back said she wore a Billabong T to her college and got the piss taken (?). Maybe things have changed since then, that was like in 2000 or even 1999.
Reply 3
Is roxy not the female version of quiksilver? Personally I prefer quiksilver to billabong, quiksilver are definately going alot more 'mainstream' in terms of fashion and I really like their new stuff. Check out my new boardies! Amazing!

Cool boardies
Reply 4
my friend Debs who's family moved to some isolated region of Scotland a few years back said she wore a Billabong T to her college and got the piss taken (?). Maybe things have changed since then, that was like in 2000 or even 1999.

:eek: What's wrong with Billabong!? Personally I don't have a favourite, just buy whatever I like-don't really have that much surfy-type clothes anyway!
Reply 5
that's cos you live in England, and it's prob. more exp there, cultures different etc.

I mean I'm not saying I wear Roxy stuff all the time, or my friends do, they might have different tastes - what I mean is that it's the 'in' thing over here, but that there's two main Aussie brands. I'm like just trying to see which one is more popular, Roxy or Billabong, for girls around my age, say 17 - 23 (I'm 20). Guys may post their preference for Quiksilver or Billabong if they wish
Reply 6
I kinda guessed Roxy was the girly version of one of those brands, but being a city (not coastal, altho that'll change as soon as I'm finished uni) person I wasn't sure which one. But thanks for that, will save me from a verbal bashing from my coastal cousins. ROXY ROCKS, and yes I agree, Quiksilver is way better than Billabong, altho here in Oz the latter brand is desperately trying to recieve more publicity by getting actors on 'Home & Away' etc to wear their gear... not working that well, I guess.

I didn't realise you got our stuff up in the UK (and BTW, what on earth are you doing up at 4am??? At least it's one here), cos my friend Debs who's family moved to some isolated region of Scotland a few years back said she wore a Billabong T to her college and got the piss taken (?). Maybe things have changed since then, that was like in 2000 or even 1999.

Billabong and quiksilver used to be on a pretty much even footing, quiksilver are definately better right now though, their new summer gear is amazing, when I get some money ill be sure to get some new tees/jeans and stuff. There are some surf shops in the UK which are ridiculously expensive, but I know a shop near my parents new house which sells them pretty cheap, quite a big shop as well. Theres always the internet as well..Dunno about your friend debs either, thats the scots for you, bunch of weirdos!
Reply 7
that's cos you live in England, and it's prob. more exp there, cultures different etc.

I mean I'm not saying I wear Roxy stuff all the time, or my friends do, they might have different tastes - what I mean is that it's the 'in' thing over here, but that there's two main Aussie brands. I'm like just trying to see which one is more popular, Roxy or Billabong, for girls around my age, say 17 - 23 (I'm 20). Guys may post their preference for Quiksilver or Billabong if they wish :wink:
Reply 8
that's cos you live in England, and it's prob. more exp there, cultures different etc.

I mean I'm not saying I wear Roxy stuff all the time, or my friends do, they might have different tastes - what I mean is that it's the 'in' thing over here, but that there's two main Aussie brands. I'm like just trying to see which one is more popular, Roxy or Billabong, for girls around my age, say 17 - 23 (I'm 20). Guys may post their preference for Quiksilver or Billabong if they wish

Adding to that, Ive never seen any girls in the UK wear any billabong/quiksilver clothing, quite common for guys though.
Reply 9
:eek: What's wrong with Billabong!? Personally I don't have a favourite, just buy whatever I like-don't really have that much surfy-type clothes anyway!

Nothing wrong with billabong, its rare you find their clothes being as cool as quiksilver right now though..
Reply 10
Nah, you should spend a day at my uni - heaps of girls walk around in Roxy/Billabong (tho you're right, Billabongs not as popular, lol) clothes, MORE so than guys sometimes! Very popular, over here. Maybe it's the Roxy thing that's made sufie-type gear cool for girls.

BTW, I think I might've double posted something, so just ignore it.
Reply 11
Nah, you should spend a day at my uni - heaps of girls walk around in Roxy/Billabong (tho you're right, Billabongs not as popular, lol) clothes, MORE so than guys sometimes! Very popular, over here. Maybe it's the Roxy thing that's made sufie-type gear cool for girls.

BTW, I think I might've double posted something, so just ignore it.

Youre also in australia, much more of a surf culture, UK doesnt really have a surf culture ..
Reply 12
Roxy, Quiksilver or Billabong? And who out there are surfie-wear virgins?? (Sorry, that was random, my lame attempt to attention seek). Calling other Aussies...
Reply 13
Roxy, Quiksilver or Billabong? And who out there are surfie-wear virgins?? (Sorry, that was random, my lame attempt to attention seek). Calling other Aussies...

How many people on this board are from australia ? :frown:
Reply 14
I'm hoping a fair few good people, like most of us are. Can't wait till I get my next paycheck (tho that won't be for a long while, for those of you who've read my other thread), those Roxy back-printed jeans calling my name...
Reply 15
Roxy, Quiksilver or Billabong? And who out there are surfie-wear virgins?? (Sorry, that was random, my lame attempt to attention seek). Calling other Aussies...

none, cant stand surf brands :tongue: actually not many of my friends wear them either though that might be because we live in the middle of victoria and its freezing :tongue: the only "surfie" thing i own is a wallet and my friend gave it to me :biggrin:
Reply 16
I have billabong boardies for out in the surf. Personally I dont wear a lot of surf wear myself unless I go to the beach.
Reply 17
Ah, and that brongs me to my golden rule.

Surf wear is simply that; should be left at the surf. Great while in use, not such a hot look in the middle of winter.
can't say i've ever surfed in my life but i've got q a few roxy/quiksilver things (eg. backpack, long purple skirt, checked shirt). i bought them for a ridiculously cheap price at tkmaxx (greatest shop ever) because they looked nice and obviously weren't expensive. never occurred to me that i might look a little out of place - i know loads of people who don't surf yet wear roxy clothes (derby hasn't exactly got the facilities...)
Reply 19
Great while in use, not such a hot look in the middle of winter.

What about all the mad new winter gear that's just come out, by Roxy and Billabong? I'd like to get my hands on a Roxy beanie for one, and don't forget, even tho it's small, there's a snow-board culture over here too. An old mate of mine, in fact, from my old high-school's gone pro.