I kinda guessed Roxy was the girly version of one of those brands, but being a city (not coastal, altho that'll change as soon as I'm finished uni) person I wasn't sure which one. But thanks for that, will save me from a verbal bashing from my coastal cousins. ROXY ROCKS, and yes I agree, Quiksilver is way better than Billabong, altho here in Oz the latter brand is desperately trying to recieve more publicity by getting actors on 'Home & Away' etc to wear their gear... not working that well, I guess.
I didn't realise you got our stuff up in the UK (and BTW, what on earth are you doing up at 4am??? At least it's one here), cos my friend Debs who's family moved to some isolated region of Scotland a few years back said she wore a Billabong T to her college and got the piss taken (?). Maybe things have changed since then, that was like in 2000 or even 1999.