The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I wouldnt generally go past the date, but the thing with milk is its pretty obvious if its gone off as it a) stinks, b) is green and is c) lumpy.
Reply 3
If it seems ok, then you can drink it. If it's bad you can't drink it, even if it's in date
Reply 4
If it seems ok, then you can drink it. If it's bad you can't drink it, even if it's in date

and you know it's bad how?
Reply 5
and you know it's bad how?

It smells. It looks funny. It tastes horrible. Seriously, with milk you know
Sometimes it can sty upto a week over the date, but don't go by that, use your discernment. Smell it, any sourness or funny smell not normally there, throw it. If it smells fine, pour a little out, and swish it around, and if it's lumpy at ll, throw it. Taste a little bit, if it's sour or strange tasting, then throw it.
Reply 7
we once bought milk from aldi's. generally, i like aldi stuff, but after a couple of days, i have never smelled anything so bad in my life! how can something smell more farty than fart?!

ooo errr....
Reply 8
F1 fanatic
I wouldnt generally go past the date, but the thing with milk is its pretty obvious if its gone off as it a) stinks, b) is green and is c) lumpy.

If it's a), b) and c), it's probably not worth the risk.
I seriously wouldn't advise it. You can do this with bread (toast/use for french bread and the like) and bananas (banana cake! :biggrin: ) but not for milk usually. Not a sensible idea if you would like to stay in top health.

I had to do this the other day: chuck, buy new.
Reply 10
I seriously wouldn't advise it. You can do this with bread (toast/use for french bread and the like) and bananas (banana cake! :biggrin: ) but not for milk usually. Not a sensible idea if you would like to stay in top health.

I had to do this the other day: chuck, buy new.

I'm up to 3 days over the date but it still seems ok...

we once bought milk from aldi's. generally, i like aldi stuff, but after a couple of days, i have never smelled anything so bad in my life! how can something smell more farty than fart?!

ooo errr....

mine is from Lidl. :p:
Reply 11
I find if it smells and tastes ok, then its fine. I've been doing it for years. Use by dates are a guide only. You won't die. Unless it's chicken and it's green.
If it smells bad and tastes off then don't drink it any further. Sometimes food can be ok if it's been refridgerated well. It doesn't exactly look at the use-by date then say 'well i better pop my clogs then'. :smile:
Smell it. Don't trust best-by and sell-by dates. Same with meat or fish - if it's the right colour and fresh-smelling your fine but the moment it goes grey, brown or smells a bit manky just bin it. I speak from biter, gut-wrenching experience...
Reply 14
Urk, just pick up some fresh milk.
I find if it smells and tastes ok, then its fine. I've been doing it for years. Use by dates are a guide only. You won't die. Unless it's chicken and it's green.


2/3 days should be fine, but smell it before you drink it.
If it has began to moo and an udder is protruding from the top.

It has expired and is returning to its origonal state.
Reply 17
woaah. 8 years old. LOCKED.