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Reply 1
^^ I've done exactly the same thing for about 2 1/2 yrs now.
Reply 2
Thats just obsessive, not an eating disorder.

If you eat way below the recommended calories ( 2000(women)/2500(men)), you may have an eating disorder however.
Reply 3
i count all my calories exactly, including weighing all my foods. its very time consuming and i always think about the calories in the food i eat. would this be classed as an eating disorder?

yes it is
do something before you ruin your life
Reply 4
Sexy Plexi
^^ I've done exactly the same thing for about 2 1/2 yrs now.

realy? how do you feel about it? are you happy with your eating patterns? sometimes i think its ok, other times i wish to eat normal and not obess over the calories.
Reply 5
Depends how many calories you're eating. As long as you're consuming a healthy amount of calories, fat, carbs etc. then counting doesn't have anything to do with it!
Reply 6
Thats just obsessive, not an eating disorder.

If you eat way below the recommended calories ( 2000(women)/2500(men)), you may have an eating disorder however.

Or if you eat way over it, or if you purge it, or if you do a combination of all three...

Eating disorders aren't just restriced to anorexia, eejit.

To the OP: It sounds like disordered eating, not neccessarly a diagnosable eating disorder. However, if you're finding it to be obessive, it may be worth speaking to your doctor about it; It could be the start of an ED, but even if it's not, it's not particularly healthy.
Reply 7
Sounds like it, would it feel wrong if you didn't count calories? Do you weigh yourself? Do you have a target for how much you should eat a day? Do you have any other obsessive tendencies or is it just food? Do you see your ontrol over your food as a type of control over your life which you couldn't deal with without? We need more information.
Reply 8
realy? how do you feel about it? are you happy with your eating patterns? sometimes i think its ok, other times i wish to eat normal and not obess over the calories.

Yea, really! Um, I could go into a lot more detail bout past problems with food but I'd prefer to discuss it over PMs if you're cool with that? Otherwise I can post it on here.
Reply 9
Sounds like it, would it feel wrong if you didn't count calories? Do you weigh yourself? Do you have a target for how much you should eat a day? Do you have any other obsessive tendencies or is it just food? Do you see your ontrol over your food as a type of control over your life which you couldn't deal with without? We need more information.

it would sort of feel wrong if i didnt count, i think i would get stresed over my weight, if i put on or not. yes i do weihg myself and ive only started counting since i aimed to lose weight. but now im maintiaing at 2000 a day. i thats exactly how much i eat. i dont realy have any other obessive tendencies i dont think. i quite like thr control thing, but the main reason i count is so i dont put weight back on.
Reply 10
Sexy Plexi
Yea, really! Um, I could go into a lot more detail bout past problems with food but I'd prefer to discuss it over PMs if you're cool with that? Otherwise I can post it on here.

yeah that would be great!
Reply 11
My sister did this. It developed into an obsession with food and an eating disorder. So much so that she trained as a nutritionist. She's better now, but doesn't want to think about food all the time so she's changing her job.
Reply 12
My sister did this. It developed into an obsession with food and an eating disorder. So much so that she trained as a nutritionist. She's better now, but doesn't want to think about food all the time so she's changing her job.
Reply 13
Thats just obsessive, not an eating disorder.

If you eat way below the recommended calories ( 2000(women)/2500(men))...

yeah that would be great!

Have PM'd you. Hope it's helpful, x
Reply 15
it would sort of feel wrong if i didnt count, i think i would get stresed over my weight, if i put on or not. yes i do weihg myself and ive only started counting since i aimed to lose weight. but now im maintiaing at 2000 a day. i thats exactly how much i eat. i dont realy have any other obessive tendencies i dont think. i quite like thr control thing, but the main reason i count is so i dont put weight back on.

Sounds like it could well be an eating disorder, or developing into one. Get some help before it gets any worse.
Reply 16
Thats just obsessive, not an eating disorder.

If you eat way below the recommended calories ( 2000(women)/2500(men)), you may have an eating disorder however.

Something that's always really bothered me is that well, I don't know about men but with women, the amount of calories you should eat is your weight in pounds x13. Therefore:

2000/13 = 153.8 That's 11 stone! Only people who are 11 stone should eat that much, the government are lying to us all. I mean, 11 stone isn't the average weight is it?
Reply 17
Something that's always really bothered me is that well, I don't know about men but with women, the amount of calories you should eat is your weight in pounds x13. Therefore:

2000/13 = 153.8 That's 11 stone! Only people who are 11 stone should eat that much, the government are lying to us all. I mean, 11 stone isn't the average weight is it?

^ never heard of that 13 times your weight thing but being as young as we are you should be eating ideally about 2500 cals a day because we burn so much doing activities and stuff...
i count all my calories exactly, including weighing all my foods. its very time consuming and i always think about the calories in the food i eat. would this be classed as an eating disorder?

Probably on the borders of one. Its not how I started but it's something I still do.
Reply 19
2000/13 = 153.8 That's 11 stone! Only people who are 11 stone should eat that much, the government are lying to us all. I mean, 11 stone isn't the average weight is it?

I find that hard to believe, and besides, it's just an average. Everybody has different requirements.

From experience, what I would say to you, is that eating disorders aren't confined to anorexia and bulimia, and that weighing your food seems somewhat obcessive. You have to be careful that you don't start trying to cut back the number of calories that you eat. As much as anything, issues with eating are often related to control. Maybe try to stop gradually, as you must have a pretty good visual idea of what a certain weight of food looks like by now anyway. If you want to PM me, then feel free.