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Reply 1
Hey, Im just about to start my final year of IB, and ive done psychology for a year so far. It is a really interesting subject, thats fairly easy, and if you choose to do biology also there are topics that cross over. So if you choose to do psychology do biology as well. A guarenteed 7 for both subjects.
There is barely any hwk for Psych, my favourite Ib subject so far.
Reply 2
Oh thank you!:smile: And I was planning on taking biology already. Are you doing SL or HL psychology?
Reply 3
I am a psychology addict. It's my favourite subject and I am applying to study it further at university. As long as you remember that studying psychology doesn't meant you can read minds, then you will most probably like psychology.

I take psychology HL and love it. It's not particularly hard and depending on your teacher there isn't much homework. However, it requires quite a bit of writing so make sure you are able to do that.

As jitz said, biology overlaps a bit in some areas and if you are lucky (as in my case), you get to do animal behaviour as an option in Biology.

If you want to see more about the psychology course, I recommend
Reply 4
I do psychology in IB and i honestly hate the subject. I think its mostly to do with the psychology teacher, he's this really old and eccentric guy who doesnt know half the things he's teaching.:s-smilie:
Reply 5
Thanks for the link, Deus! It looks very interesting! BTW, do you need any prior knowledge of psychology in order to study in at High Level? Please say no.:redface:

s3rene, sorry to hear you're having a rough time.:frown:
Reply 6
No, it's for first timers :smile:.

You start off from scratch, like any of the other IB courses (except languages).
Reply 7
I take psychology at HL too and it's my absolute favourite! I'll write EE out of psychology and probably go to study it in uni as well. It's particularly hard and not much of homework really. If you're interested even a little, I encourage you to take it:smile:.
Reply 8
I take psychology at HL too and it's my absolute favourite! I'll write EE out of psychology and probably go to study it in uni as well. It's particularly hard and not much of homework really. If you're interested even a little, I encourage you to take it:smile:.

Er. You mean NOT particularly hard, right?:biggrin:
I'm taking Psychology as an HL and I'm loving it. At my school you take the SL the first year and then decide about halfway through if you're going to stick with the SL or go on with HL. I didn't like the subject much at all during SL and then I realized it was because of the teacher. I am know in Psych HL and I realized that I love it because of the teacher. So, I would recommend for you to ask people who have taken the class what they thought of the teacher(s).
Reply 10
I know a lot of people in Psych HL and they really love it. It'll most definately prepare you well if you want to go on to college and study it.
lol being over ran by americans :p: our school doesn't offer psychology its obscenely popular at uni though for some reason.
Reply 12
lol being over ran by americans :p: our school doesn't offer psychology its obscenely popular at uni though for some reason.

That's why you need to cross your fingers for me, because I have applied and now just waiting.

Damn it!
Reply 13
Er. You mean NOT particularly hard, right?:biggrin:

Oops, my bad:biggrin:.
Reply 14
I take it and personally can't stand it. I finished bio Nov 2007 and they do overlap but bio's so much nicer! How good is the bio syllabus? Its perfect in every way. Compared to that i find psych a bit too abstract for my liking, but then im so not a humanities person.
Anyway, Glad you guys all like it so much. Guru of time, i see you do music... lets talk! How you liking it? Hows bartok treating you?
It can be really hard to get what you're expected to know. In biology you always have your syllabus with everything you should know.
Reply 16
If you have further questions about psychology in any way, private message me. I'm always around and am sure I can help you. I am a self proclaimed psychology nerd.

Otherwise, hopefully you have found this thread useful :smile:
Reply 17
I do psychology in IB and i honestly hate the subject. I think its mostly to do with the psychology teacher, he's this really old and eccentric guy who doesnt know half the things he's teaching.:s-smilie:

shes got a point! our psycho teacher isnt very good! but dont get put off- its a really great subject and comes in usefull in soooo many areas! make sure u can cope with long essay writing in time limits tho. oh and theres little to learn so theres LOTS of revision time- yummy!
Reply 18
do you have any good psychology books that can help with the IB psychology?
asking once should be sufficient I think. :p: other than that, wait for Deus to come around or PM him. Meanwhile, check out the IB revision thread and the Psych revision thread for notes.