The Student Room Group
Reply 1
strawberry cold :smile:
supposedly the apple one is nastaaaay...anyone tried it?
Yes. It was horrible :s-smilie:
Reply 3
Cold. I set fire to one in the microwave once.
Reply 4
Custard, cold. Apple ones are odd.
Reply 5
Cold. I set fire to one in the microwave once.

hhahaha oh dear

strawberry WARM. see what i did there
Reply 6
apple and rice don't really go together oddly enough :wink:

anybody like other muller stuff?

i adore all the corners, especially the crunch corners. american classics and the mcvities ones are awesome...

man im such a pig :tongue:ig:
Reply 7
mines: raspberry cold :biggrin:

Ditto. :smile:
mmmmm the apple one is delicious :biggrin:

has to be warm tho
dont like them cold
Reply 10
ooooh, mullerice is icky, me no likey :frown:

loooove jaffa cake corners though, they're the best! :p:
Not a great fan.
I like the Muller corners better. The Tropical Crunch OMG.
Reply 12
blueberry warm
strawberry got to be hot! But DON'T put you're fingers in when it's hot, I had a blister for a couple off weeks! Thank goodness it was just my fingers I put in and not something else. You know what they say "curiosity killed the cat lol
(edited 5 years ago)
Original post by Leeprters
strawberry got to be hot! But DON'T put you're fingers in when it's hot, I had a blister for a couple off weeks! Thank goodness it was just my fingers I put in and not something else. You know what they say "curiosity killed the cat lol

Did you run out of spoons? Lol