The Student Room Group

Need to move out

I am 16 and currently doing my AS Levels, i have decided i will move out and become independant. I have been living with my parents for my whole life and now i feel is the time for me to move out...
But i dont know what to do. I cant just pack my clothes and get out of the house i need to think about everything e.g. accommodation, financial support etc.
So what do i do, i really need advice and suggestions. Do you think i should wait till uni?

Thanks in advance

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Reply 1
I am 16 and currently doing my AS Levels, i have decided i will move out and become independant. I have been living with my parents for my whole life and now i feel is the time for me to move out...
But i dont know what to do. I cant just pack my clothes and get out of the house i need to think about everything e.g. accommodation, financial support etc.
So what do i do, i really need advice and suggestions. Do you think i should wait till uni?

Thanks in advance

definitely wait until uni!!! This will just add stress on to what could be 2 very stressful years! Your best off easing yourself into the whole living on your own thing when you go to uni becasue you still have plenty of support and 3 years to get used to it.
Reply 2
I say wait until uni. Ironically you'll probably appreciate home a whole lot more once you've moved out.
Reply 3
I am 16 and currently doing my AS Levels, i have decided i will move out and become independant. I have been living with my parents for my whole life and now i feel is the time for me to move out...
But i dont know what to do. I cant just pack my clothes and get out of the house i need to think about everything e.g. accommodation, financial support etc.
So what do i do, i really need advice and suggestions. Do you think i should wait till uni?

Thanks in advance

Moving out to live on your own is a massive decision, you need a good job to pay for your rent, (you won't be able to get a mortgage yet), your electric, water, phone bill, tv bill, council tax, gas, insurance, food, savings.

And to top it all off you're doing exams, do you like stress or something? lol

I really hope you're not planning on scrimping off the state!
agree with The Guru
Reply 5
say you aren't going to uni.. what would your options be then?
Reply 6
If life is not particularly BAD at home, then STAY. You'll need your parents help at Uni and if you move out now, when you come to apply to Uni you won't have been independent for long enough in order to be classed as an 'independent' student for student finance assessment.
Reply 7
say you aren't going to uni.. what would your options be then?

Vivky Pollard Chav Like Styleee!

Reply 8
Sorry, but your 16 and you feel its time to move out because you have been living with your parents you whole life! Of course you have your 16! most 16 year olds have been living with their parents their whole life.
Say you move out....
Where you going to go?
How are you going to support yourself? - work after school every day an at weekends... that would totally muck up your education.
Plus working and looking after a house you must of just started AS levels, if your 16!?
Your 16!! Stay at home!
One of my old friends has just been thrown out her house and if living in a crappy flat sharing with other people and working full time at a shop!
yes you should wait until you go to uni. If you want independence how about give your parents some money for you staying at home, do your own washing, get a job.... i dont no stuff like out but not leave home.
Oh you might think you are ready to move out but trust me you move out now it will be an awful shock and you will want to come back. Think about it at home you get everything free, you don't have to pay bills etc that changes when you move out.
Reply 10
The Guru
Vivky Pollard Chav Like Styleee!


so you think that anyone who doesn't go to uni immediately becomes someone who will never amount to anything?
Reply 11
so you think that anyone who doesn't go to uni immediately becomes someone who will never amount to anything?

No it depends what route you take of course. But I wasn't talking about going or not going to uni and it's not what this thread is about.
Reply 12
I intend to complete my A levels and go on to university. So you think i should wait a couple of years?
Reply 13
I intend to complete my A levels and go on to university. So you think i should wait a couple of years?

At 16 you have no idea how much it costs to pay for rent, food, electricity, water..etc. How do you expect to meet all these costs without a job? Why in particular do you feel you need to move out now?

If there's no real reason other than it sounds like a good idea then definitely stay at home. It may seem great to be independant..but in reality what it means is you have to do all the cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, washing and drying clothes. Plus you have to pay the bills, do the shopping and pay the rent. All of this on top of doing your AS and A levels is just going to give you a lot of unnecessary extra work. Just wait 2's not that long.
I moved out at 19, but only basically becuase I got kicked out. Its not all that, the constant worry about money not being able to go out with your mates beacuse you are broke. Its a very big worry financially, theres nothing for free, no nice hot meals when you get home, nothing. The grass is always greener on the other side. You don't seem unhappy with home, so stick it out till uni, when you can move out, but with support. At 16, you will find it hard to get someone who will rent out to an under 18. Don't do it, stay where you are throughout the next two stressful years. Enjoy your age, honestly I dont, I feel much older.
I'm pretty sure you need parental permission to move out before you are 18 anyway :rolleyes:

oh and you've made it clear that you don't actually need to move out, you're choosing to because you want to.. need and want are two different things
Reply 18
why do you want to move out and how do you plan to support your self at 16?

i think you need to put some more thought into this..
Move to narnia.