The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I find anaesthetic stings when its going in but its not too bad and doesnt sting after that. Once the anaesthetic has gone in you wont feel a thing so I would worry about having the mole removed.
You may have it freezed off with liquid nitrogen, that's what they did when i had warts :redface: if that, then yes it is painful, its a horrible burning sensation, basically like sticking your hand in a fire...lovely, annoying thing is the pain doesnt come immediately so you think you're fine then its like OOOOOW JEBUS! :biggrin: i want to get a mole taken off...when its done tell me how it went :p: im scared it will leave scarring...x
I had one scalpeled (sp?) out...The anaesthetic didn't hurt any more than any other injection, and I'm really not good with needles. It didn't hurt once it wore off, either.

LadyEnglish; there is a slight scar where mine was that is about the same size as the mole was. I think this is mostly because my skin doesn't tend to deal with scarring too well, I have a couple of other small keloids on my arms that need sorting out. It's the same colour as the rest of my skin though, and much less noticable than the mole was. All the same I'd be careful if it's on your face.
Reply 4
hi there my sister had a mole removed from her face and she said it wasnt painful atal and she hasnt got a mark left
Reply 5
I have and it was fine.
Reply 6
Hi. Thanks for your advice. Greatly appreciated :smile:

Atleast it is on my arm. So if there is a scar, it won't be a noticeable :smile:
i had a mole removed on my face, it wasn't painful at all, i quite enjoyed it actually...
ive only got a small scar which keeps getting less visible. :smile:
It'll be fine. Doesn't hurt at all. In fact it actually feels good.
Where do you get them removed and does the procedure cost anything to have done?
i got mine removed from my back in my GPs surgery. It didn't hurt and it doesn't cost anything if the doctor thinks it should be removed
k thanks but what if you want one removed purely for cosmetic reasons?
Reply 12
k thanks but what if you want one removed purely for cosmetic reasons?

They wont do it purely on the grounds that it looks bad, unless its making you very depressed etc . . . . . if you really want a mole removing then give them a good reason to remove it! Reasons I know work are moles that rub on the seams of clothes (this can be pritty much anywhere you have clothes), you keep catching it when you shave (probably wouldnt work on your arms) or the best; I keep knocking it or it hurts. Also if its changed shape/colour then you would become a priority, of course.

I got mine removed with the first excuse, it didnt hurt, left no mark and im glad I got it done:biggrin: !
Reply 13
I got two removed by saying i kept catching them.

I had one on my neck removed and one on my hip... Neither hurt to be removed but both have left slight marks but as they're skin coloured its much better than the mole itself.

I had to have mine done at hospital as they said they couldnt do them at my gps. I cant remember exactly why but something to do with the procedure.
I had one on my leg removed and the injection really hurt (but I have a low pain threshold). It only lasted about 10 seconds and then my leg was numb so I didn't feel a thing. So basically, if you have the same injection as I did, prepare yourself for a little bit of pain but it's not very long-lasting. :smile:
I have, and it's really not that painful. It does sting and feels a bit like acid is being poured onto your skin (but it goes numb quickly). It was ok. I wouldnt worry about it :tongue:
You get it removed at a hospital you can book or go in and ask to book
Im getting one removed from my arm im so scared aaaaaa