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I don't think so, its not as if you get wasted on your own!
Apparently a glass is good for you, but I wouldn't go too over the top..
My godfather was an alcoholic, and he'd drink a bottle by breakfast, so I wouldn't worry! Just stick to one glass though, if it's not social drinking.
I can't believe people call you an alcoholic just because you have the odd glass of wine.
Reply 3
Do you get drunk when you drink alone?

If you don't drink (alone or out with friends), do you feel anxious, awkward (like you can't be the way you want in a social situation without it), or constantly think about how much you wish you had it?

A lot of people (well, admittedly, I've only met adults in their 40s-90s who do it) drink a glass or two of wine/scotch/something else at night to relax them, but I think it's only a problem if you rely on it and/or cause problems when you do it (problems as in, actually getting ****faced and doing things you regret...waking up every morning hungover...that type of thing).
Reply 4
For my own sake...I REALLY hope it doesn't!
god no!
Reply 6
I occasionally get drunk alone, but that's rare, and usually because I really like the wine :P
Reply 7
look, people drink alcohol for different reasons. If you drink with friends, it probably means that you want to have fun, if you drink alone, that means that you wann'a to enjoy a glas of good wine or whatever. the other reason is that you feel bad and you are trying to escape from that feeling by getting drunk.
if you drink becouse of the last reason, than you have a problem and you should find some help. first by your friends and family, and if that doesn't work, by professional terapist.
however, since you are thinking over that and debating with us, i don't believe that you are becomeing an addict.
I do it quite regularly and to get drunk so your not alone...I don't really have anything else to add to that
Reply 9
If u are an alcoholic for drinkin on your own occasionally, then i am an aloholic
If you want to trust wikipedia, here's a definition for you:
Alcoholism is the consumption of or preoccupation with alcoholic beverages to the extent that this behavior interferes with the alcoholic's normal personal, family, social, or work life

Doesn't sound to me as though this describes you. Some (most?) people enjoy certain foods as a 'treat', to relax; you just prefer a drink, in moderation. Don't worry!
Reply 11
Don't worry I enjoy a pint with my main meal probably 3-4 times a week, and maybe a glass of cider every now and then as well.

**** am I an alcoholic? lol...
if you go on the alcoholics anonymous website, they have a set of questions and depending upon your answers, thats apparenty an indication of whether or not you have a drink problem
If, on the occasion that you fancied drinking alone, someone said that you couldn't have the alcohol that night, would you be any more upset than if someone said you couldn't have a chocolate bar at the same point? If the answer is "no" then you're not an alcoholic. Christ, drinking a glass of wine every few days is not alcoholism. Alcoholism is where you constantly think about where you're going to get your next drink from, you can't postpone a drinking session or you drink alone (and to excess) during the daytime.
Reply 14
Pfft, i drink alone, like if no1 can be assed to go out so im stuck in me room watching a film or something. I think you become an alcoholic when you need a drink rather then just wanting one
There's nothing wrong with drinking by yourself.
Reply 16
I drink bout bottle of vodka a week on my own. Long past caring tho
Reply 17
are you an alcoholic if you drink with someone over msn?

same difference.
are you an alcoholic if you drink with someone over msn?

same difference.

I was thinking something similar.

If you get absolutely hammered with your mate on msn, does it count as drinking alone?
Reply 19
I was thinking something similar.

If you get absolutely hammered with your mate on msn, does it count as drinking alone?
i dont know, maybe not, unless your mate is pretending