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Reply 1
A bank robber?
Reply 2
Police, government...
a friend of a friend did a criminology degree and I think she works with prisioners now - teaching life skills etc. kind of social work. So, yeah, adult social work or working with young offenders?
Reply 4
Reply 5
Criminology graduates often end up working in prison services, social services, and the police.
Waitressing, retail and local bars are popular destinations too.:cool:
Criminology graduates often end up working in prison services, social services, and the police.
Waitressing, retail and local bars are popular destinations too.:cool:

Are they?
Reply 7
Are they?

Well a lot of Criminology grads apply and get jobs in those areas, so presumably the degree builds up the core skills needed for those roles and hence are popular choices.
Well a lot of Criminology grads apply and get jobs in those areas, so presumably the degree builds up the core skills needed for those roles and hence are popular choices.

A criminology degree gives students the skills to work as a waiter/waitress?!!
Reply 9
A criminology degree gives students the skills to work as a waiter/waitress?!!

A broadly based degree like Criminology is an excellent way to obtain generalist skills
and surely an educated generalist can do a superlative job at waitressing.

BTW, the OP ended up working in HR when he could not get any jobs with the public sector and bar work finally became too tedious.
Reply 10
op didn't seem to do so well with criminology
A broadly based degree like Criminology is an excellent way to obtain generalist skills
and surely an educated generalist can do a superlative job at waitressing.

BTW, the OP ended up working in HR when he could not get any jobs with the public sector and bar work finally became too tedious.

I wouldn't say Criminology is a broadly based degree whatsoever
Reply 12
I wouldn't say Criminology is a broadly based degree whatsoever

So you don't think someone with a criminology degree would be able to wait on tables? What are you currently doing with yours?
I suggest that you do a Criminology degree.
Thieves' cant is much more entertaining than your broken English.

Oooo not as entertaining as your sentence that makes no sense!!!

P.s I already have a first class Criminology degree darling :p:
So you don't think someone with a criminology degree would be able to wait on tables? What are you currently doing with yours?

Not that it is any of your business...but I have worked in the Criminal Justice System for the past 6 years.
Oh and yes, I did wait tables - whilst I was a student - not after I graduated - hmmmm maybe I should have, having a Criminology degree and all - seems thats all we are fit for with our BROADLY BASED SKILLS ??!! haha
I already have a first class Criminology degree darling :p:

Your Criminology degree certainly taught you how to lie.
Here is another post by you, bemoaning your 2.2 :

I am very confused at the moment as to which area to go into and wherever I look you seem to need a 2.1 to do anything!!!
Any advice would be great or anybody who feels they are in a similar situation to me having only a 2.2
What has really dissapointed me I think is that at the time i was so proud of myself for having gained a degree and thought a 2.2 was great, but looking out their now 6 years on...i feel it is a let down to people as EVERYWHERE expects a 2.1 minimum!!
Reply 16
Your Criminology degree certainly taught you how to lie.
Here is another post by you, bemoaning your 2.2 :

Your Criminology degree certainly taught you how to lie.
Here is another post by you, bemoaning your 2.2 :

Well done you!! Clever boy!! :yep:
Reply 18
Well done you!! Clever boy!! :yep:

Unlike someone :biggrin:
Unlike someone :biggrin:

What exactly are you insinuating?