The Student Room Group


I'm not wanting a lecture on the dangers of bulimia because I know already. My life has gone on a downwards spiral lately, what with being in third year, troubles in my personal life (love troubles, family, friends etc etc) basically i'm just going through a rough patch that seems to be getting progressively worse.

I just wondered if anyone else has/is suffering with bulimia? Who did you speak to about it? I'm that bogged down with work deadlines that I can't afford the time to see my g.p. as it opertates on a open surgery schedule which means i'd have to queue for hours in the morning to see someone and i'm in lectures/tutorials etc.
Reply 1
Your university should have a counselling service which you can call for an appointment, it should all be free and confidential. I'd call ASAP because they might have a short waiting list.
Not sure this is any help, but some things which help me keep binge/purging under control:

I've identified what causes me to turn a meal into a binge, and what makes me want to purge, took some thinking but essentially for me it is 'crap' junk food and fatty stuff, so I avoid those foods.

If I'm tempted to binge I challenge myself to sit for 10mins before starting and think about how I'll feel afterwards. It started as 5 and soon I'll try 15 - a good percent of the time this actually stops a binge.

I try and start with something like rice/potatoes/vegetables - and often I can stop there and don't feel the need to purge.

Don't know if this will help you but for me it is a case of limping through the term until I can take stock at home, and this makes life more survivable for me atm!
Reply 3
My cousin had bad Bulimia for a couple of years. on and off.

She was at university, and went to see the gp. The gp really helped her out. And she was referred to a specialist in London.
She also was really busy, but the university,Paid and organized for her trips down to london.

I know you are really busy, but if you can go and see your gp. They will be able to help you.
My cousin had bad Bulimia for a couple of years. on and off.

She was at university, and went to see the gp. The gp really helped her out. And she was referred to a specialist in London.
She also was really busy, but the university,Paid and organized for her trips down to london.

I know you are really busy, but if you can go and see your gp. They will be able to help you.

I would recommend what isabella just said.
Reply 5
I'm that bogged down with work deadlines that I can't afford the time to see my g.p.

I think there comes a point when you just have to say 'my health is more important than my degree.' Your uni will be understanding if you have to take time out, by not doing it you could ultimately make things worse for yourself in the long run and end up missing even more time. Maybe you should postpone something and finish it at home when terms end and start getting the help you need now.
Reply 6
agree with puppy, choose a day when you plan to miss lectures, ask someone to take notes for you, make sure there is nothing you need to get back for and just go and stick it out in the waiting room! good luck
I think there comes a point when you just have to say 'my health is more important than my degree.' Your uni will be understanding if you have to take time out, by not doing it you could ultimately make things worse for yourself in the long run and end up missing even more time. Maybe you should postpone something and finish it at home when terms end and start getting the help you need now.

Definitely prioritise your health over uni - you don't want to get to the point where you physically can't carry on with uni study, so are forced to take prolonged time away from study. That and the fact that you won't be performing academically as well as you might do otherwise.
If you really can't face missing lectures, perhaps make sure you get to your doctor's surgery a good time before they open in the morning (surely you won't have lectures that early?), so they can see you as soon as they open?
Yes- health over degree

think about it- is it better to have a degree and be seriously ill...

.. or miss one day of lectures and be on the road to recovery.

Also maybe trust in a friend. I accidently let slip that i was (ever so slightly) tending toward binge-purge cycles ( i was VERY drunk) and ever since i knew that she knew, i've completely stopped. I do appriciate that it will be different for you though