The Student Room Group

Things that are bad at Keele

Instead of all these threads about how good Keele is and about why people should come here, we should make one to warn people about some of the bad things of Keele. To balance the argument out!

The following things really irritate me!

1. Never being able to find a PC in the library around essay deadline day! I don't have my own printer so have to use the library, its always a fight to get on one for even a few minutes!

2. The extortionate price of every sandwich, drink, chocolate or packet of crisps on campus. We're students, we live on snacks, it shouldn't cost so much!

3. The new doors in the library, it really irritates me having to press those buttons every time I want to go in the library. Grrr. The worst ones are the new mechanical doors inside though. They look like normal doors but it takes so much effort to open them (unless you see the disabled access button before hand)

Does anyone have any more? :p:

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Reply 1
hmmm, i'd say that on the whole the revolving door and the turnstile thing that were there before were more annoying than the sliding doors... though i'd hate to be on the wrong side (i.e. in the library!) if they ever got jammed closed though lol. does seem a bit stupid that they have disabled access doors at the top of a flight of steps though...

what's annoying me atm is the fact that the room phones haven't been working for over a week now! :mad:
Reply 2
ohhh, and the post system! i hate going down to the union knowing i should have a parcel, then finding there's only about 10 tickets or so on the board, then having to search through the 50 or so on the desk, only to find it's still not there, because it's in the post room instead!
Reply 3
Agreed with everything said!

Im adding hallsnet. Its useless.
Reply 4
1) The Keele Bubble affect

2) The rain, it never stops.

3) The crap street lighting between holly cross and hawthorns.

4) Again, never being able to find a PC in the library, ever. No matter what time it is, PCs are never availiable! Leonard Jones labs :wink:

5) The union club nights being too samey.

Thats about it...


Forgot one:

6) Uncomfy seats in all the lecture halls apart from the ones that Keele let out to conferences! How is that fair, who do they get the most money from conferences or students and tuition fees/food!?
Reply 5
oooh, agreed about hallsnet! or hallsnot as we call it...
the unreliability of it does my head in! :mad:
Reply 6
I forgot about the post system, its soo bad. Theres always a massive queue at the post room and its so embarrasing when you get to the front to find you have no mail :redface:
Reply 7
Only having 1 post room, no matter when i seem to go there always seems to be a huge queue.

Not enough places to sit after u buy stuff from the diner or whatever its called now. Plus the fact that u have to walk through the smoking bit after. If i wanted to smell the smoke I'd have sat there!

Theres mould in all of the rooms in my flat cus hawthorns is a bit ****.

The short loan library fines are huge, 30p an hour, which although it's my fault it's a bit steep.

Hawthorns select n shaft doesnt do alcohol, not major but it wouldnt hurt them
Reply 8
Its all so true! Why should i walk for 15 or 20 mins to select and scam at campus for some beer?!
- Crap car parking facilities.
- People that don't take their stuff out of the washing machine/dryer for ages (I know that's not Keele's fault but still annoying)
- The weather (if your hair goes frizzy or generally horrid in the wet then bring an umbrella or two!)
- Stupid cleaners who don't do a very good job or just chuck your stuff in a black bin bag and leave it on the floor (not sure which is worse!)
- Heating, or rather the lack of (I'm currently wearing my dressing gown on top of my normal clothes)
- Dance Soc in the Ballroom where people get drunk at night time = glass on floor = not good!
- Salsa clashing with a lecture :frown:
- Foreign lecturers who you don't understand and they can't understand you
- Lecturers who have no idea about technology
- Limit on Hallsnet
- Having a similar phone number in your room to a crappy company called Homebuy so you get random calls asking for this company, grrrr.
- Mud
- Sludge
- Le cafe = having to order your food, pay and collect for it all at different points! Grrrr.

I'll think of more later...

Oh yes, having nothing from 1 til 5 until the university decide they'd like to have a lecture at 5-6 - I think I'd best get going to that!
Reply 10
On the phones, one of my mates numbers was printed as the number for the finance office in some of the literature, hence he gets endless calls asking for them!

Still found nothing to disagree about so far.

We could add first busses. ive made six trips in the past fortnight, every one was over ten mnutes late, one being 35! Not keeles fault, but still crap.
Reply 11
The craptastic library.

Make sure you bring some form of threatening instrument so you're able to get the books on the reading list, seeing as there are rarely any alternatives.

And would it honestly kill Keele to get some more of the major journals?
Reply 12
1) The Keele Bubble affect

2) The rain, it never stops.

3) The crap street lighting between holly cross and hawthorns.

4) Again, never being able to find a PC in the library, ever. No matter what time it is, PCs are never availiable! Leonard Jones labs :wink:

5) The union club nights being too samey.

Thats about it...


Forgot one:

6) Uncomfy seats in all the lecture halls apart from the ones that Keele let out to conferences! How is that fair, who do they get the most money from conferences or students and tuition fees/food!?

Conferences and food sorry to say.
Reply 13

Theres mould in all of the rooms in my flat cus hawthorns is a bit ****.

thank god for that, i thought my room was the only one...

My room is very damp for some reason.. the window is shut 24/7 and umm the inside of the window is wet :s-smilie:
Reply 14
Sarcasm? No the mould problem isn't my fault. My window is open all of the time I'm in my flat, however because i live on the ground floor i cant risk leaving it open during the night and when I'm out. Plus dont dry any washing or keep wet towells and stuff in my room. What more could i do, hawthorns is just a bit ****!
Reply 15
From my point of view, lecture clashes and the lack of help in sorting them out.
As a fee paying CUSTOMER of Keele i expect a certain level of service which i am in fact paying for. For me to have to change principle subjects at the end of the first semester due to Keelesn ability to sort out a clash i find totally discraceful. I am A MATURE STUDENT (43) and cannot believe how difficult complaint proceedures etc are.

I also had a problem with a csp and was asked by the member of staff in question. "If i was running a marathon would i complain about the coach?"

Some help that was. Not

Anyone else had problems with lectures or indeed staff?

Not had any problems really .. I find it disgraceful sometimes the way the housekeeper treats us when we are paying for our accommodation and she doesn't seem to care about any of the problems we have.
Not had any problems really .. I find it disgraceful sometimes the way the housekeeper treats us when we are paying for our accommodation and she doesn't seem to care about any of the problems we have.

Do you live in Holly Cross?
Hawthorns, even worse!
Reply 19
Having a similar phone number in your room to a crappy company called Homebuy so you get random calls asking for this company, grrrr.

I couldn't help but laugh at that :biggrin: Next time someone rings up you should try and sell them a house!

I have a good one, I don't know why it didn't spring to mind earlier. The newsagents on campus is possibly the least friendly place I've ever been to! Two and a half years of going there and still not a smile from the people who work there. They are always miserable! If it weren't for the fact that I need to get newspapers quite often then I would never step in foot there again.