The Student Room Group

What does it mean when a girl keeps looking at you?

There's this girl at my college who for some reason always looks at me when she sees me. We're in different classes, and know nothing about each other but she does look at me a lot. First time, we were at lunch sitting opposite each other, she kept looking so I gave an eyeball back, and flashed a smile.

Yesterday, I was in the lesson. She was next door, and there's a window so I could see her. We were talking loudly, and she peeped into the room when she spotted me. She stared for a good few seconds, she really did, and went back to work.

Then when her class finished, I kept at eye on her to see if she looks or not, and surprise surprise.. she did! Weird little girl. She has loads of eye make up as well, so it's kinda freaky when she looks. :p:

Basically what I'm trying to ask is what does/could this mean? She thinks something of me? I know some girls do stare at people if they think theyre weird or freaky, maybe it's that? lol, wow I hope not!

Just to set the record straight, I look at her a lot as well, simply because she is unbelievably pretty. :wink:

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A) She fancies you

B) You look amusing in some way

C) She has a squint.

Got to be one of those.
Reply 2
u shud try talking to her....
Reply 3
oh i think you know why she looks at you

Reply 4
u shud try talking to her....

I want to, but she always hangs around with friends and that gets me nervous as hell.

A) She fancies you

I wonder... :biggrin:

B) You look amusing in some way

lol! It'd be funny yet cringeworthy if this was it. :redface:

C) She has a squint.

A what?

oh i think you know why she looks at you


No I don't. Do advise! :biggrin:
There's several reasons why some girls look at other guys like that, it could mean anything.
Reply 6
my thoughts were that she fancies you.

obviously i cannot be sure as i haven't observed these events myself but, by the way you've put it, she digs you. and she probably knows you like her too, so talk to her

Reply 7
it doesnt mean anything unless you go over and say hi
She likes you:smile:. I like this guy and i can't sstop looking at him. She might not want you to know she likes you tho, so approach her only if you like her.
Reply 9
Mybae she justs like staring - it's fun to creep people out. And the eyemake up is just there to be even mroe intimidating

Reply 10
Several reasoned observations may be drawn:

1)It means that you keep looking at her (in order to have established an impression that she is looking at you).

2) It means that you probably are not the owner of a Guide-dog nor carry a white stick.

3)It could be a response to your bizarre haircut or the breakfast egg you have unwittingly worn on your face all day. Have you been chewing a ballpoint pen perchance and have the leaking Biro effect known as 'blue mouth', or wearing an item of headgear or apparel that unnecessarily draws attention to oneself?

4)It could be because the girl has mistaken you for someone famous (Do you look like Herr Hitler or Mr Bush or Krusty from the Simpsons?)

5)It could mean that someone has told you that the girl keeps looking at you ; for reasons of innocent social intercourse such as having a joke at your expense.

6)Or it could mean that the girl is deranged in some manner. If not, then her manners are most certainly remiss for having the audacity to continually stare at one. Should you have a pet?;The next phase is when the girl concerned starts stalking you and puts your pet gerbil/cat/rabbit/______(<insert type of pet here) in the microwave.

My concluding advice to your scaring and most frightening predicament is this:

Never desire to sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.

Reply 11
She might not want you to know she likes you tho, so approach her only if you like her.

lol she stared at him for a number of seconds, according to joey over here
Reply 12
Its clearly obvious whats going on here.:stupido2:

She is obviously madly in love with you. :love:

Its only a matter of time before she comes over to you and asks you for :hump:

I meant com on shes staring at you for ages :ninja:
Joey C
There's this girl at my college who for some reason always looks at me when she sees me. We're in different classes, and know nothing about each other but she does look at me a lot. First time, we were at lunch sitting opposite each other, she kept looking so I gave an eyeball back, and flashed a smile.

Yesterday, I was in the lesson. She was next door, and there's a window so I could see her. We were talking loudly, and she peeped into the room when she spotted me. She stared for a good few seconds, she really did, and went back to work.

Then when her class finished, I kept at eye on her to see if she looks or not, and surprise surprise.. she did! Weird little girl. She has loads of eye make up as well, so it's kinda freaky when she looks. :p:

Basically what I'm trying to ask is what does/could this mean? She thinks something of me? I know some girls do stare at people if they think theyre weird or freaky, maybe it's that? lol, wow I hope not!

Just to set the record straight, I look at her a lot as well, simply because she is unbelievably pretty. :wink:

girl look at us blokes for a reason probably for a reaction from us or for a bit a fun for who goes up to first to make a move first :wink:
Reply 14

If I see her again outside of class, I'm definitely gonna say something to her. Whether it's just "hi" or "I want a divorce!" Hmmm, if that even made sense...
Reply 15
Maybe she's looking to see if The Guy That Keeps Staring is staring at her again.
Reply 16
Maybe she's looking too see if The Guy That Keeps Staring is staring at her again.

Well, she started it! :biggrin:
Reply 17
Joey C
Well, she started it! :biggrin:
*adopts a monotonous rehearsed tone* It sounds like she's interested. There's a strong possibility she wants to speak to you. Go for it.

So then, have the awaited responses allowed you to summon the courage to do what was already on your mind as you composed the original message? Mm? :p:
Reply 18
*adopts a monotonous rehearsed tone* It sounds like she's interested. There's a strong possibility she wants to speak to you. Go for it.

So then, have the awaited responses allowed you to summon the courage to do what was already on your mind as you composed the original message? Mm? :p:

I didn't have an ounce of courage before this thread actually. Now I do.

Power of the Internet, I tell thee!
She's probably plotting to assassinate you.