The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
not there yet, but if i go i would def be a boatie.
Reply 2

Aparently I'm a rah, which can't be true, darling. :biggrin:
Reply 3
workaholic, apparently...:confused: :eek: :confused:
Reply 5
Boatie... I'm suprised I'm not a workaholic.
Reply 6

Im surprised you didnt vote for union hack.
Reply 7
Workaholic apparently, but I didn't understand half of them, obviously.
Im surprised you didnt vote for union hack.

Actually, with a mix of union hack, workaholic and (wannabe) rah characteristics I come out as... goth barbie :confused:
Reply 9
Well I'm not there yet, but according to that poll I'll probably be a rah! lol, doesn't really surpise me as I come from a single-sex private school and thus who really know me well would agree that, unfortunately, I'm a bit of a snob! lol. I'd like to be considered a bit of a workaholic and boatie too though! But then I suppose I won't really know until I get there.

What about you Elpaw?
Reply 10
I'm a goth barbie apparently :rolleyes:
Reply 11
I'm a goth barbie apparently :rolleyes:

What exactly is a goth barbie?
Reply 12
I'm not quite sure :biggrin:
Reply 13
I'm not quite sure :biggrin:

It's not a very useful stereotype if no-one knows what it means...
What exactly is a goth barbie?

some goths can be pretty plastic if they wear too much plastic jewellery.
i'm a goth barbie :cool: i guess this means i am extremely beautiful but wear very baggy trousers?
Reply 16
i'm a rah
I'm a rah rah. Well obviously :biggrin:
Reply 18

Uh... rah apparently. A little odd given I'm coming from a co-ed state school and am entiteld to the maximum student finance available... but interesting nonetheless.
Reply 19
Uh... rah apparently. A little odd given I'm coming from a co-ed state school and am entiteld to the maximum student finance available... but interesting nonetheless.

Ah, but its a state of mind.