I picked Economics over Industrial, and MORSE. I think Econ is the middle ground between crazy hard, and mickey mouse-ish degrees in terms of quant nature. At the end of the day though, job prospects aren't really that different. Industrial econ students tend to be well placed in the banking industry.
I agree with mangomaz - 2nd year can be a pain in the butt with it's dryness. And if you take modules like Metrics 2, international econ, Topics in econ theory etc in your final year, you are only prolonging your pain when doing straight econ. On the other hand, ind. econ can take 60 cats of business school (ie. joke modules for getting grades) in your third year, but econ can take 30. It can make the difference between a 2.1 and a 1st.
At the end of the day, that can make the difference between you going for oxbridge/lse masters or a lower ranked uni. For jobs though, it's not much different.